A rather important detail to leave out

in #mytechlife94353 years ago

A rather important detail to leave out

So, as I've mentioned in other posts before, I work in AV, servicing commercial systems. So my job consists of being dispatched to different client locations every day to fix stuff when it isn't working.

One day I get a dispatch for a site I had been to quite a few times over a long span. It's a university with a bunch of classrooms and offices with multiple AV systems spread throughout. The dispatch was to resolve some control issues. Nothing major, after some recent updates, their system just needed control code reloaded.

So I get to site, go through any necessary security checks, and reach out to my client. He meets me in a lobby and starts us on the walk over to the room having issues. We get into an elevator and go down to a lower floor. Immediately after stepping off the elevator a strong smell I can't really describe permeates through the entire hallway. It was one of those burn your nostrils, stick with you kinda smells that takes a while to go away. As we're walking down the hallway the smell gets stronger and he starts to lead me into a small room that leads into a large lab. It was at that point that I understood the smell...

Without warning I walk into this lab where the equipment rack that I needed to access was in and spread throughout the lab are a bunch of metal slab tables surrounded by medical equipment. On each one of these tables sat literal cadavers. Not dummies or mannequins, straight up human corpses. The smell that hit me getting off that elevator was formaldehyde.

As soon as I realized what I was seeing the general shock on my face must have been obvious because my client immediately said "Oh...they didn't tell you? I told the person when I contacted you guys that they should give whoever they send a warning and confirm they aren't squeamish around bodies because the system is in one of our medical labs. Here, let's step back into this room here, it looks like you need a minute."

I step back into the room and collect myself. My client finds out that the folks in the room were just finishing up and they would be putting everything away shortly. So we wait that out and while I'm doing that I get my laptop out and message the guy who dispatched me so I could get a copy of the control code and ask him "...uhh...WTF DUDE?!?!" He responds telling me "Oh no. They did tell me that and I meant to reach out beforehand but totally forgot, sorry about that."

Gee, thanks. That's a pretty important detail to just forget to mention!!

All of the "subjects" had been put away and the lab had cleared out by then. I did some troubleshooting, got the code loaded, and tested everything. All was good. I don't think I've ever gotten the hell out of a place faster than I did that day in my entire career.## TLDR Summary:

As we're walking down the hallway the smell gets stronger and he starts to lead me into a small room that leads into a large lab. My client finds out that the folks in the room were just finishing up and they would be putting everything away shortly. One day I get a dispatch for a site I had been to quite a few times over a long span. So I get to site, go through any necessary security checks, and reach out to my client. Immediately after stepping off the elevator a strong smell I can't really describe permeates through the entire hallway. So my job consists of being dispatched to different client locations every day to fix stuff when it isn't working. As soon as I realized what I was seeing the general shock on my face must have been obvious because my client immediately said "Oh...they didn't tell you?


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