A taste of my life

in #mytechlife63143 years ago

A taste of my life

Hi gang. First post. I've been in various forms of support for about 25 years, and recently, after a series of quittings have found myself as the one-and-only support person for an office of 650 people, mostly lawyers, who are about as tech savvy as the average colobus monkey. This morning I had the perfect exchange that I though would be worthy of a share. (we're a city government office that still uses Novell, so I'll be using some non-AD lingo)

-My computer is not allowing me to log in. See the screenshot. (Screenshot says "You have been locked for bad passwords"

-OK, I unlocked you, give it another try.

-It's still saying it's wrong

-OK, all I can do is reset it. I reset it to "password" it will ask you to change it when you log on

(5 minutes pass)

-The printer I want to use has a lock on it (send screnshot of a printer with a lock icon)

-That just means it's locked down to certain users, which includes you. What happens when you try it?

-(Sends screenshot of a box saying "You are running under grace logins. You must change your password before further print requests can be made") with no text

- That means just what it says. You need to change your password after I reset it . Did the Continue box come up? If not, log off and back on make sure to click Continue when it comes up. That will prompt you to change your password.

- I don't have a password for the printer

- It’s the computer password. The one I changed this morning. You need to change your password after I reset it. Did the Continue box come up? If not, log off and back on make sure to click Continue when it comes up. That will prompt you to change your password.

- yes, it asked if i wanted to change since I only had 3 more logins before it expired, but i didn't change it.

- You have to change it when it pops up. That’s why you can’t print.

- so should I restart the computer?

- log off and back on make sure to click Continue when it comes up. That will prompt you to change your password. (the third time I've pasted the same text.)

no response after that

By no means the most infuriating exchange I've had this morning, but a good example of what supporting lawyers is like.## TLDR Summary:

That will prompt you to change your password. If not, log off and back on make sure to click Continue when it comes up. You must change your password before further print requests can be made") with no text

- That means just what it says. - yes, it asked if i wanted to change since I only had 3 more logins before it expired, but i didn't change it. You need to change your password after I reset it . You need to change your password after I reset it. - I don't have a password for the printer

- It’s the computer password.


Hi @mytechlife thanks for sharing this amusing story..haha it’s like you two are speaking some different languages..

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