The Boss Volunteers Our Company for Beta Testing (Part 2)

in #mytechlife60093 years ago

The Boss Volunteers Our Company for Beta Testing (Part 2)

Note: Please check my previous post for (Part 1) - This entire story happened about 4+ years ago...

Part 1

Too many clicks to print

Accidents happen


I walk away from my conversation with Madam President of the company and feeling shell shocked. I’m near our Operations Manager’s office and poke my head in. He’s sitting at his computer looking a bit stressed...he is also the Truck Driver Supervisor:

Me: Hey TDS, gotta second?

TDS: Sure, what’s up?

Me: I was wondering what you know about the new delivery system? I just found out about it a couple minutes ago.

TDS: Oh, that. Yeah, she told me earlier this week. I guess she’s been advocating for it for over a month. She said you’d be there to help the contractors for implementation.

Me: She’s been planning this for over a month?!

TDS: Yeah, there a problem?

Me: There probably will be. Who else knows about this?

TDS: I had a meeting with MP (Madam President) and GM (General Manager - who is MY direct supervisor) on Monday. They also brought in a couple of the front office gal’s since they deal with the drivers daily.

Me: Wow, this is a new low, even for them, and they talked about me in that meeting?

TDS: Yes, several times. I’m sorry, I thought you knew about this.

Me: You have no reason to apologize. I need to talk to GM. What time do the drivers leave Monday?

TDS: They usually leave about 4:30 am, but we are planning early training so I’m having the guys come in at 3:30 am.

Me: Who’s doing the training?

TDS: I was assuming you were but it must be one of the contractors.

Me: I hope it’s one of them. I’ll be there at 3:30 am with the rest of the guys.

I leave his office and go directly to my supervisor, the GM’s office.

GM: Hey bambam67, what’s up?

Me: I’m a bit upset. (trying to stay calm)

GM: You seem really upset. What’s wrong?

Me: When was someone going to tell me about the new delivery system?

GM: MP said she would talk to you.

Me: Yeah, she did, about 10 minutes ago.

GM: Oh (she dropped her head trying not to look embarrassed)

Side Note: GM and MP are best friends so any complaint I have of either of them goes mute.

Me: I’m beyond upset and now wondering what this new system requires. I don’t want to panic before I know the details.

GM: There shouldn’t be much for you to do. They assigned us 3 contractors that will start the implementation on Monday. I’ll send over their contact info, you might want to call them and see if there’s anything to be done on our end.

She said it so calmly and ‘matter-a-fact’ like there was nothing to worry about.

Me: Okay, please send that to me but I have some questions maybe you know the answers...

GM: I’ll try...

Me: What devices are the drivers using? iPhones? iPads?

GM : No. I think the boxes for the devices came on Tues, there in the POS area.

Me: What are they?

GM: Motorola hand held zebra scanners I think.

Me: Am I suppose to configure them?

GM: I don’t know.

Me: I’m assuming there’s 25+ devices? So we have one or two extra?

GM: No, just 24 since that’s how many drivers there are.

Me: What do we do if one breaks?

GM: They better not break them, they cost $800 a piece. (See my post ‘accidents happen’)

Me: Well it’s not like we are going to deploy all 24 on Monday, right? Gives us a chance to order a couple extra.

There was an awkward silence from GM. Her eyes somewhat glazed over for a second not wanting to answer.

GM: They said it’s pretty much all or nothing so we decided to pull the trigger.

Me: You have to be sh**ting me! Deploying all of them at the same time couldn’t think of a word that could sum up the possible scenario on Monday) there anyway to delay this?

GM: The contractors are booked up. MP had to convince them to come now or otherwise we’d have to wait another month! We are lucky we have them through Wednesday.

Me: Wednesday? Lucky? This keeps getting better and better. I’m going to grab the devices. I need that contact info now.

I leave her office and go directly to the POS area. POS meets me there (see my post ‘too many clicks to print’)

POS: Are these supposed to go to you? They have MP’s name on them.

Me: Unfortunately, yes.

POS: (sensing my stress) Here, I’ll get the hand truck and help you take them to your office.

POS was sympathetic that day...I opened the boxes to find 24 older (but new in the box) Motorola hand held Zebra scanners.

That brings (Part 2) to a close and part 3 will dive into devices, configuration, setup and contractors...until then my fellow IT friends...stay tuned for part 3...## TLDR Summary:

That brings (Part 2) to a close and part 3 will dive into devices, configuration, setup and contractors...until then my fellow IT friends...stay tuned for part 3... I leave his office and go directly to my supervisor, the GM’s office. They also brought in a couple of the front office gal’s since they deal with the drivers daily. Me: Okay, please send that to me but I have some questions maybe you know the answers...

GM: I’ll try...

Me: What devices are the drivers using? POS was sympathetic that day...I opened the boxes to find 24 older (but new in the box) Motorola hand held Zebra scanners. POS meets me there (see my post ‘too many clicks to print’)

POS: Are these supposed to go to you? (See my post ‘accidents happen’)

Me: Well it’s not like we are going to deploy all 24 on Monday, right?


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