[Hae-Joo] How the Son of Man became the Son of God - Mystical Traditions of Primitive Man

in #mystical7 years ago (edited)


Have you ever asked yourself the following question: what is the point of Religion? Why did Man create this seemingly unbelievable system of belief to explain the world around him? If Man created Religion, would he have done so if there was absolutely no point in it? Or would there have been a reason to do so that prompted him to spin the incredible yarns of mythical deities and Cosmic miracles and events?

Would Man, finally aware of his unique position in the world, not ask questions about the origin of his life, and in so doing, attempt to learn more about how he could ensure his own survival?

“Primitive Man” as he has come to be conceptualized, and will hereby be referred to as, must have been painfully aware of his insuffiencies.

No matter how far he progressed in technical matters: the crafting of clothes and tools, the erection of shelters, the conservation of food and water supplies, and the like; there would always be one ever-present Force that would always remain more powerful and indomitable than all of his crafty cunning, mighty intelligence and physical prowess could attempt to subdue:



If we were to cast our imagination back to the daily experiences and lives of our early ancestors at the beginning of what we call “History”, how hard would it be to imagine Primitive Man’s desperation when the almighty Winds would blow away his shelter, the blazing Sun parch his crops, wild beasts prey on his animals, the Heavens themselves open and bring forth deluges the likes of which destroyed all that he had built, forcing him to start anew from scratch...

Primitive Man would always be on the defensive in a losing battle.

And out of this sense of dependency and frustration...

Religion was born.

By some intuitive and innate sense of awe and admiration for this mighty foe, Nature, Primite Man sought to establish a means of communicating with the Source of the World’s Fertility. Over time, through trial and error, and the important art of story-telling, he accumulated a collective body of experiential knowledge, which he codified as intricate rituals.

He and his representatives could perform acts of aesthetic symbolism, and recite magical incantations, flattering words that pleased and appealed to the Fertility Deity that the Earth had come to represent to Him, which she rewarded with clemency, grace, temperance, material plenty and all other forms of abundance and gifts.

At first, these rituals were largely imitative. Supposing He, that the rain was the source of life in the desert lands, then the moisture from heaven must be only the more of a fruit-yielding nectar.


If the male organ ejaculated this precious fluid and made life in the woman, then above him in Heaven the source of all Life on the Earth must have been a mighty penis, as the Earth a womb that bore all of its offspring.

Following this observation, Primitive Man naturally deduced that to induce the heavenly phallus to complete its orgasm, He must stimulate it by sexual means: singing, dancing, displays of frenzied and orgiastic arousal and above all, the performance of the sexual act itself.

However, no matter how far Primitive Man progressed in his control of the world about him, there would always remain a gap between what he desired and what he could achieve from his own actions. The unscalable mountain; that branch of knowledge which remained impenetrable, the source of disease for which no known cure existed.

How could Primitive Man have moved so far beyond the knowledge and dexterity of the animals, yet still ignore so much of the world around him? This realization lead His thinkers and artisans to imagine that the source of wisdom which they were tapping into that lead to all the most amazing and tremendous breakthroughs and improvements in the condition of his life, could only be as real of a source as the clouds above were the source of the rain which fructified the ground.

The heavenly penis, therefore, was not only the source of life-giving semen, it was the origin of knowledge.

Luke 8:11 - "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God."

Primitive Man’s dream would thus be to know God, the mighty penis in the sky, and in so knowing his Creator, the source of all Life, become One with the Source of Life itself.

He would be omnipotent. No longer would he fear the harsh conditions of the seasons; the snows of winter, the droughts that killed his cattle, the plague that snatched the life out of his precious babes. The penis in the skies would rise and spurt its vital juice when He commanded, and the Earth below would open her vulva and give birth to the life from which Primitive Man thrived.

Above all, He would be allowed to uncover the secrets of the universe, not by painful trial, and fatal error, but by a sudden, wonderful illumination from within.



Yet as we know, God has always been jealous of His power, and yet even more covetous of His knowledge. He suffers no rivals in heavenly places. If, by necessity to his plan, or mercy for his Creation’s wellbeing, He allowed a few chosen mortals to share in His divinity, and experience Himself as Them and Themselves as Him, it would be but for a fleeting moment. Under very special circumstances, men have been permitted to rise to the throne of heaven, and glimpse the beauty and glory of omniscience and omnipotence.

He who was graced with this experience, the Mystic, never failed to report back to Primitive Man of the utmost importance and worth of this experience. The colors were more vibrant in Heaven, the sounds more penetrating; every sensation magnified, every experience greatly exaggerated.

For such a glimpse of heaven, men were willing to pay the ultimate price: Life

For out of this pursuit, Great Religions were born; the vision they purported, serving as a beacon of hope for Primitive Man in His continuous struggle against Nature. Yet as He attempted to coax and cajole God into revealing himself to Him, he discovered there was a cost that had to be borne by anyone brave enough to venture in the Heavens.


Even if he survived the often grueling ordeal that he had to go through to leave his body, and ascend the Heavens, he realized that upon returning, he was no longer the same. A part of him would never fully be of the Earth, as he realized his true home was Heaven.

And thus, the ultimate pronouncement, by the King of Mystics

John 8:22-24

So the Jews said, “Will he kill himself, since he says, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come’?” He [Jesus] said to them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am he [God] you will die in your sins.”

We are in the world, but not of the world.

For the price that Man had to pay to realize this truth; Death, was as symbolic as it was was literal in some cases.

Even if He survived His Perilous Journey into the Other Realm, reappearing in His Human Soul Case, He would discover Himself tremendously alienated... In some kind of strange and incredible sense, His mind would be as Reborn; having discovered something Divine about Himself, something Sacred within... Suddenly, Death, was no longer an inescapable fate to be dreaded with every passing day. Death would mean liberation from his mortal coil and release into the Divine Mind of God for all all of Eternity.

This is where we come to understand the language of the Ancients...

For the Mystics of Old were keenly aware of the difference between He who had been born but Once from the seed of his father and the womb of his mother; and He who had been Born Again from the Mind of God.

The Son of Man, He whom we have come to know as Primitive Man, was nothing alike this new Son of God.

For the Son of Man is born of Man, but the Son of God is born of God.

While the Son of Man continued in His perpetual struggle against Nature, faced by calamity and bewildered by disaster, ruing His tragic condition and seeking remedy to his affliction; The Son of God lives in a completely different world, liberated from his Earthly fears and limitations.

The Son of God has glimpsed Heaven.



"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" - Romans 12:2

And though I am not one to perpetuate the dogmatic canon of the Church which says that only one man, Jesus, become the Son of God...

I do take His point that He had achieved Unity with the The Godhead

Religions such as Judaism and Christianity are such cultic expressions of this endless pursuit by man to discover instant power and knowledge.

Granted the first proposition that the vital forces of nature are controlled by an extra—terrestrial intelligence, these religions are logical developments from the older, cruder fertility cults.

With the advance of technical proficiency the aims of religious ritual became less to influence the weather and the crops than to attain wisdom and the knowledge of the future.

The Word that seeped through the labia of the Earth’s Womb became to the Mystic of less importance than the Logos which he believed his religion enabled him to apprehend, enthusing Him with divine omniscience.

But the source was the same vital power of the universe and the cultic practice differed little. To raise the crops the farmer copulated with his wife in the fields. To seek the drug that would send his soul winging to the Fifth Dimension of Heaven and back, the initiates into the religious mysteries had their priestesses seduce the god and draw him into their grasp as a woman fascinates her partner’s penis to erection.

For the way to God and the fleeting view of Heaven was through plants more plentifully endued with the sperm of God than any other. These were the drug-herbs, the science of whose cultivation and use had been accumulated over centuries of observation and dangerous experiment.

Those who had this secret wisdom of the plants were the chosen of their God; to them alone had he vouchsafed the privilege of access to the heavenly throne. And if God was jealous of his power, no less were those who served him in the cultic mysteries. Theirs was no gospel to be shouted from the rooftops: Paradise was for none but the favored few.

The incantations and rites by which they conjured forth their drug plants, and the details of the bodily and mental preparations undergone before they could ingest their God, were the secrets of the cult to which none but the initiate bound by fearful oaths, had access.


Jesus’s Entry into Jerusalem, Church of Saint Martin de Vicq, France, Early 12th Century. Five psilocybin mushroom caps are painted above the youth greeting Jesus. Source

And this is something that in reality is as clear as day. One can merely look to the 少林 Shaolin (literally: young forest), where the art of Kung-Fu was perfected. Forest-dwellers who would have been exposed to various drug-herbs were most certainly perfecting their meditative arts under the influence of psychedelics, learning all about Vital Energy (Qi) and the manipulation of this etheric energy in the body.

Or one can look to ancient India and the Vedic rituals revolving around the psychedelic Soma.

" After it was offered as a libation to the gods, the remaining soma elixir was consumed by the priests. It was highly valued for its exhilarating, probably hallucinogenic, effect. The personified deity Soma was the “master of plants, the healer of disease, and the bestower of riches.” " Source

" The soma cult exhibits a number of similarities to the corresponding haoma cult of the ancient Iranians and is suggestive of shared beliefs among the ancient Indo-Europeans in a kind of elixir of the gods. Like haoma, the soma plant grows in the mountains, but its true origin is believed to be heaven, whence it was brought to earth by an eagle. The pressing of soma was associated with the fertilizing rain, which makes possible all life and growth. " Source

And of course, there is the very question of the Essene Gnostics who created the myth of the Nazarene (Fish) Christ god to celebrate the coming Astrological Age of Pisces. There are certainly interesting parallels between the Christ (an Egyptian style god-like entity that may have come about in the Essene cult before the Wicked Priest and Righteous Teacher) and the Egyptian neter Horus. And certainly the link to ancient Egyptian religion would certainly suggest a psychedelic connection to Christianity, which had been depicted all throughout the first millennium after Christ.

I could go on, and on, and on, yet I believe I have at least made the point that I was trying to make.

What was the point of Religion, and why did Primitive Man create this (today) seemingly unbelievable system of belief to explain the world around him?

Because he has been striving to find a way to co-exist with Nature peacefully, and unlock the mysteries of the Universe.

The problems we associate with religion today really started when these early initiates in the mystic traditions gradually forgot the source of all their inspiration and knowledge... Religion gradually stopped being what it was earlier, a form of direct connection with the Cosmic Consciousness, and became what it is today, a tool of control and centralized power...

The Shamanistic experts of Nature that had dare to explore the Mind of the Creator gradually betrayed their earliest hopes, letting themselves be seduced by the basest animalistic instincts that have always driven Primitive Man to a lust for Power; and became Clerics; or they were persecuted for the knowledge they had attained and the spiritual practices they enacted, and cast out of the world as "Heretics" and "Witches" that were an affront to God.

The mystical truths about the Universe through a living, breathing ritual, were slowly forgotten, and the remnants of their revelations became canon, then dogma, until eventually becoming law itself.

And we all know where man-made laws have led us... They are but morbid and crude imitations of natural law, that are filled with all the inherent contradictions and limitations that exist in Man.

Thank you all for reading! I hope this post had something for everybody in it. Just a little bit of story-telling for my beloved Steemit community! I've been very inspired by my latest readings The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross by John Marco Allegro. I was inspired to write this post based on his fascinating writings, which I had meant to read for a long time but am only just getting around to. Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to share it around! Thanks everybody!

Peace and Love




Pixabay Sources: Man-Mystical / Nature-Violent-Mistress / Shaman-Mask
Other Sources: Instant-Illu / Jealous-God-Cartoon / Glimpse-Of-Heaven / Qi-Gong


Hae-Joo @imp.unity, you write with eloquence and originality. Who'd have thought that it was still possible to discuss and describe the eternal mysteries in such a fresh and enlightening approach. It never ceases to amaze me how the cabal manages to edit out of history all that might help us make sense of it. Jesus being greeted with psilocybin mushrooms was never revealed in any RE (religious education) classes at my school ;)
Interesting to ponder on what man made of the ancient relics of lost civilisations dotting his landscape? Perhaps that is what you have in mind for a future post. Thanks for your wonderful work :)

Awww thank you @ricia! It's always still possible to discuss and describe the eternal mysteries with fresh and enlightening approaches! There's nothing New under the Sun! 🌀
You just add what you have now with what you remember having earlier and you end up with what you're bound to have! Really these mysteries have been hashed and re-hashed out so many times in so many different ways but the beauty is that luckily we can't remember billions of years (or even minutes if you are one of the kardashian tv zombie people!) So we just keep on with the Eternal Recurrence of the Same, the Being of all Becoming. (A great line from a Milo rap song.) 😌

Lol, yeah, strange but it seems like maybe Jesus was actually nothing more than a mushroom. At least certain translations of texts found at Qumran suggest so (according to a few translators). Others might argue that the mushroom was one thing, Jesus was another, and when you added the two together, you got something along the lines of the Christ! Hahaha 😂
There are these two characters in Essene culture, the Wicked Priest and the Teacher of Righteousness... Now who these characters were is unclear but it's believed that Jesus was based on them... Then there's a guy named Apollonius of Tyana who was doing the same thing as "Jesus" (walking around, performing miracles, etc). At the end of the day it's just fun to learn about history, and unfortunately, it'll never be taught in any RE classes! (Nor will your teachers be handing out psilocybin mushrooms, which are also really fun!)

I think what relics that were still around after the Renaissance (which had not been destroyed over the ages; or confiscated by the Church and given to vatican archivists to be forgotten for all eternity locked away from any curious humans) were quickly swept up and locked away in private collections.

The "crap" that suited the narrative of the rulers was put on display in Museums. Unfortunately, I think most of mankind has absolutely no idea how great they once were, specifically to paint a picture of the past that is distorted, so we can be easierly controlled with the kardashians. (Lol I don't even know who they are I should leave them alone lol)

(Probably the whole library of Alexandria is under the Vatican for Christ's sake, but we'll never know because they have an army of 1 billion zealots ready to kill anybody who would tresspass against "God's" "sole representative/emissary on Earth" and his neat little sovereign nation state he's got carved up for his krony's there) UGH

Somebody pointed out that the Titanic, which sunk only 100+ years ago, was like what: 500 tons of steel and complex technology? Apparently in 100+ years it's already 50% disappeared. Rusted through and through. In another 200 or 300 years there will be no more titanic at the bottom of the ocean... So I think a lot of relics are simply forever lost...

Who knows what kind of technology Atlanteans and previous great civilizations that were forgotten in history (or rather only recorded through myth and oral tradition) actually possessed. Whatever it is, probably 99,9% of it is all gone.

Every once and a while we get some obscure article suggesting that we uncovered a 2000 year old analog computer

2000 years ago it probably would have looked quite spectacular, but when we find it looks something like this

Thanks for your reply HJ, I like that history of Christ! Thank you for the additional link, which was another interesting read. I know wiki is not necessarily reliable, but I like the collaborative open sourced approach. It really maddens me to think of the loss of the content of BOTH those libraries!
Looked for you on Music Monday but maybe you were too busy listening to milo ;)
ps : what's your take on truthseekah? And @danielchemello needs to be heard!

Thank you for your post, I have voted for you! :) 🎁🎁🎁

Hey @imp.unity! I have to tell you, this was right on time for me!

Really enjoying your blog, friend. So happy we met on Unity Guild. Thanks for all you have been doing to support this growing community of like particles on a healing mission.

So much love. 💘

I'm so glad it was right on time for something!

It felt like something I really wanted to write, and then I was like: "honestly, who is my audience on this?" when I posted 😋

I mean, I was inspired by a multitude of factors, but when I posted, it was like I'd forgotten why I even wanted to write this post... I guess these were just some thoughts I've had in the back of my mind for a long time and this book I've been reading really stimulated them...

But it's true... for anybody who has glimpsed Heaven, it doth make sense! For the Son of Man, maybe not so much lol!

So I'm really glad it founds its way to you cos I know you relate!! It's hard for us lol but we gotta keep on pushing! We're already dead in a way so let's just make the most out of this roller coaster ride!

Peace brother xx

Sounds like true inspiration to me @imp.unity! And I'm happy that I get to be one of your confirming energies to your words coming at a great time. There's a big soul family that's been coming together and every time things like this happen, I'm reminded.

Dead ain't what they tell us, by the way...I've been dead before and, well, still here yo. lol

Nice read. I guess we are all left with a mystery based on faith

Or a faith based on mystery depending on how you look at it! 😜 😇
Thank you for reading @spozone! :)

It's true life is far too mysterious to comprehend but at least we can tell some really cool stories and have wild experiences and most importantly love each other, treat each other right, share great memories with great people!

That's the best!

Life is definitely a challenge, especially the more we care and the harder we try to live a good life... But the rewards are totally worth it if you know how to count your blessings!

Bliss and happiness come from the strangest and most unusual places... Paths that are not oft tread upon by the commoner lead to the most unexpected discoveries

Peace xx

...maybe that's why the Catholics refer to it as the mystery of faith. I'll stick with Fox Mulder and advise. "Question Everything "

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