Top 10 Mysterious Events of Time Travel...

in #mystery7 years ago

10 – The Chinese swiss watch

In December 2008, when Chinese researchers piled more than 400 years old stone, then they found a ring of 100 years old clock in which the time was stopped at 10 minutes and was made in Switzerland.In December 2008, when Chinese researchers piled more than 400 years old stone, then they found a ring of 100 years old clock in which the time was stopped at 10 minutes and was made in Switzerland.

9- The Time Travelling mummy

Researchers found a 1500-year-old mummy in a 10-feet deep cave in Mongolia's Altai Mountains, which was not normal, because there were red shoes in her feet, and there were three white strip on shoes that can be seen in the shoes of the nowadays adidas brand. It is considered to be one of Asia's largest discoveries. At the same time, it is also considered to be the event of time trailing. This is because it was one of the mysterious events of the time of the journey of the time where the shoes with such strips came from.

8- The Philadelphia Experiment

Philadelphia Experiment is a military experiment. This experiment started by US navy in the maritime area of ​​Philadelphia on October 28, 1943. It is a true and startling event in the world as a US Navy fighter USS Eldridge (DE-173) suddenly disappears from its place. The ship was seen in Norfolk, Virginia at the same time. This test was being done to hide the ship in the enemy's radar.But due to the side effects of this test the ship has time travel and after that the shocking truth is that when the vessel was seen in Virginia, the body parts of all the people present in the ship were trapped in the ship as if during the time travel Some parts of the body were stuck in the ship, some were missing from the ship, which you do not know yet..

7- Flight into the future

This is the incident in 1935 when Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard had done a test on his aircraft hawkar hart when he was traveling from Scotland to his country. Then he changed his routine route and decided to go from an unknown road which was close to the city of Edinburg.
The road to which they were about to go was closed to the airways. During their visit, they had to face a terrible storm and their aircraft became uncontrolled and started coming to the ground when they landed their plane on the ground, they would show it off. The wasted airways were fully functional and there were 4 yellow aircraft, which were very advanced. When he went to experiment here after 4 years, he saw the same 4 aircraft again, which he had seen four years ago, but these inventions of these planes came many years after they were seen.

6- The Montauk project

montauk A very large laboratory was a very large laboratory. It is said that here top secrete were used here, all these experiments were related to the time travel. In 1980, two scientists, fresh tan, Ms. Nicholas and Alvilik claimed that they were missing some things that they were forgotten. Here was a time Tunnel, with the help of which the scientific time could travel and send back in 1943.

5- The large hadron Collider

It was the world's most complex and extraordinary thing made by humans, which was around 574 feet from the surface of the earth, its circumference was 17 mile. It is the world's most dangerous and most powerful atom smasher which can proton to collide with one another at such a speed Used to be the equivalent of the speed of light, the Collider was so powerful that the scientists began to fear that somewhere there would be no black hole which would end the whole world. If you want to know about black holes, then read this article on what the black hole is.

4 – Rudolph Fentz

Rudolph Fenz, a 29-year-old man disappeared suddenly in 1976, and after a few years, the same person hit a taxicab and died, who was wearing 19th Century clothes. This incident happened in 1950. The shocking thing is that when the police examined that person, there were some strange things in his pocket, in his pocket, there was a business card called Rudolph Fentz, which was also $ 20, which was also sent to an address in Philadelphia in 1976. Was about to go

3- Charlie Chaplin

During the promotion of Charlie Chaplin's film in 1928, a footage appeared in which a woman was imprisoned in a camera talking on a cell phone, at that time no one noticed so much attention. But when later this video was noticed, it was seen that a woman was talking on a cell phone, while in 1928, cell phone was not invented. The film maker maker George Clarke gave this video several logos But no one could identify this woman.

2- Andrew d basiago

He has claimed that he has worked in a top secrete organization DARPA. They claim that they used many such experiments on them from the age of 7 years i.e from 1968 to 1972, in which they were sent in time, space and parallel space, that the children have such amazing power that The bar of time travel can be controlled.He claimed that he had been sent as ambassador of Earth in the 1980's and has also been sent to Mars on Mars. Read 10 Mars in his interview. He told an interview at Coast Coast that he has also traveled past and future times and went to the past. Abraham also met Lincoln. He also has a photo in which he appears with Lincoln and in this interview he tells that he has met in 2045 and has himself met.

1- Mysterious man in the book

In the year 1974, a printed book was found containing old-fashioned stories and photographs of cap scott, which is now between canada and america. In that book, one photo was the most chaotic, in which all the men saw photos. Was gone and was recognized. Everyone used to wear clothes in the 1970's but there was also a person who was seen in the photo with modern clothes and modern hairstyle..

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