A Brief Analysis of UFOs Throughout Histoy

in #mystery8 years ago (edited)

A Brief Analysis of UFOs Throughout Histoy

This is merely an analysis – it is not intended to be used in anyway to disprove or prove the idea of UFOs or Aliens. I am trying to keep it all factual so you can make your own opinions when you are good and ready.

So what is a UFO? Most people think it is something from another universe that is being piloted by strange discoloured being, whose intentions seem clandestine and horrifying. Like a coin collector who scours antique shops to add more bits of rusted metal to his collection, are we really supposed to believe that beings are travelling the galaxies in search of new specimens to add to their zoo of the universe’s strangest living organisms? Everyone needs to something to pass the time I suppose, even travelling billions of miles just to prod needles and knives into tissue and organs.

But what is a UFO? I have not got the slightest idea, because it is unidentified... surely that was fairly self-explanatory? It could be a balloon, George Reeves, a bird or even a military plane that no one has any knowledge about. No one knows, which is why people are quick to jump on the alien bandwagon hoping to gain the momentum of a religion or cult.
It appears to be becoming that way these days. People dissect the bible claiming them to be encounters with extraterrestrials, re-interoperate cave drawings as aliens, and even go as far as to claim some of our greatest monuments were built by them... talk about undermining human achievements!

Some will point to these fantastic elongated skulls that have been found all over the planet. I admit, they are intriguing, but not unexplainable. It is known that many cultures bind the heads of new-borns to create this unique shape. A simple DNA test will almost always prove to you that what you are looking at is the remains of a human-being who no doubt suffered greatly because of the practice.

So what actual evidence have we got to support this idea that beings are coming down from the skies to tinker in man’s affairs?
I would like to start pre Roswell, simply because I find it had a major impact on our perception of what a UFO was. A lot of people considered them to be signs of god at one stage... but anyway, lets begin:

Aurora, Texas, April 17, 1897.

It is very interesting to find reports of UFOs from before the airplane, let alone from before the turn of the century. To cut this story short, basically a UFO is said to have crashed on a rural farm in Aurora and the body of an extraterrestrial is said to have been buried in an unmarked grave in the cemetery.
Numerous objects had been spotted in the sky at this time, and the papers were quick to report them. This case was no exception.
It is said to have hit a windmill on the property of Judge J.S. Proctor. Debris was scattered everywhere, which then just dumped in a well on the property. The military of Fort Worth got involved and would also confirm that this was something “not of this world.”
To add to this story, in the 1930s, the land was purchased by Brawley Oates who decided to clear the well so he could have a fresh supply of water. Not long after drinking it, he contracted extremely severe case of arthritis, which clearly defies what we know about this affliction.

Fatima, Portugal, 1917.

Around 50,000 people are said to have witnessed an object that was as bright as the sun break through rainclouds casting multi-coloured lights across the landscape. Three children were told of this in some kind of vision/hallucination, in which they claim The Mother of Christ appeared to them and told them to gather and watch this miracle once a month for 3 months.
I personally think this could be written off as some kind of UFO case rather than a religious one, but it is open to debate. The idea of a being coming down and dazzling us with unknown technologies/powers kind of swings both ways when you keep an open mind.

Europe, 1940s over Germany and France.

It is a little known yet interesting fact that fighter pilots reported seeing strange orbs of light during world war two. These orbs were dubbed as Foo Fighters and were totally unexplained. They could move at unmatched speeds and pull of manoeuvres no one thought possible. Allied intelligence assumed these were some kind of new weapon that the Nazis had developed... however, the end of the war, Luftwaffen pilots also confirmed that they had seen these orbs, and had assumed they were some kind of new craft created by the allies.
Its funny that neither side had the slightest clue, just what these things were.

Los Angeles, California, February 24th, 1942.

Another incredible sighting that the military also could not deny.
Some time during the night, artillery fire commenced over the city of LA as unidentified lights appeared over the city. The sirens rang out warning people of this attack. People watched on in horror as the artillery fire blasted on through the night without a single “aircraft” being knocked out of the sky.
The military would later claim it was a false alarm, as a stray balloon had caused fright and triggered the barrage of fire from the ground. Certainly a bit worrying to think it too about 8 hours for the military to take a single balloon out of the sky...

Dyatlov Pass, Ural Mountains, Soviet Union, February 2, 1959.

This is definitely one of the more terrifying incidents involving unidentified flying objects.
A team of nine experienced climbers had taken a trip out in the Northern Ural mountains. They established their base camp, and effectively were never heard from again. When a team was sent out to find them at the end of February, they stumbled across the most horrific sight: all 9 hikers had been killed and mutilated. Some displayed the physical marks left from being hit by a car, while others seem to have been cooked, their rib cages broken outwards as if broken from the inside-out. Their camp had been completely destroyed and it was clear that the events that led to their deaths were sudden and terrifying, as many of them cut their way out of their tents and ran away inadequately dressed for the sub-zero temperatures.

While no one actually saw the attack, many claimed to have seen strange lights around the area at the time. To this day, few people are allowed to know the full details, but it was clearly a gruesome attack.

The Baltic Sea Anomaly.

I have followed this one with great personal interest, as I view this one as a strong possibility that might just be true. I will try to leave personal biased opinions about this one out...
This odd structure was found by chance by the Ocean X team whilst looking for WW2 treasures. It would appear to be a crashed space craft that has left huge drag marks as well as debris all over the sea floor. And like all good UFO stories, many militaries have got involved which has made the steady stream of information about this one stop. A shame, but it happens most of the time...
No one has had a plausible explanation for this anomaly, which for some reason did not make it into mainstream news.

Theory of it all.

While there are some things that are difficult to just explain away as swamp gas, a balloon or other... sometimes it would clearly benefit a government to have rumours of UFOs darting about the skies. What makes this great, is that the more they try to deny it, the worse it makes them look... or does it?
At the end of World War Two, the Americas found the Nazi Flying Wing aircraft. It was basically what we know as a pre-curser to the stealth bomber. Back in the day, no one really knew much about jet engines, as they were practically unheard of. The Americans no doubt saw their opportunity and snatched that aircraft, making sure as few people knew about it as possible. When it was brought back to the US, it was no doubt dis-assembled so they had an idea of how it worked and how to build their own.
To add to this, they also had a number of Nazi scientists working with them under Project paperclip... another thing governments did not want people knowing at the time.
So, with some of the latest technology available, the Americans were no doubt picking up the pieces for this Nazi Stealth Bomber and putting their own stamp on it. It is funny that this should happen right around the time when the Roswell incident occurred.

So, just say, hypothetically, that it was a stealth bomber that crashed in the deserts of New Mexico and they wanted to cover the fact that they had this insane new aircraft that put everything else they had to shame... how do they cover this up?
By deliberately spreading miss-information. By changing statements, they immediately stirred interest, and by claiming it was a flying saucer, media was quick to pick up the alien hype – what could possible sell more papers than the story about ETs crashing and being whisked away by the government? I mean, to this day we are still talking about it with just as little information now as we had then.
But what a fantastic cover-story, don’t you think?

So from this point on, a UFO craze gripped a nation. Whenever something was spotted in the sky, it was a rightly called a UFO, even though this abbreviation conjured images of aliens and what not. Not only were you able to get people to report strange goings on in the skies which radars and military might have missed, but you are also getting people to believe they are ETs putting on an air show rather than military aircraft, which could have posed a threat due to spies.

So what about mutilations like Dyatlov’s Pass?

Well, that is one I hate to delve into this one due to the disturbing nature of this incident... but here goes:
It is no secret that governments and military have used the general public as test subjects for new weapons and method of warfare. I am sure if you threw someone in a giant microwave, you could achieve similar results to what happened to the hikers. So, with that in mind, could it be possible that some kind of microwave gun was used to fry these poor souls from the inside out? It would not be the first time that the Ural Mountains were used as the testing ground for such new weapons, that much is certain. They were a place where people seldom visited, so what better place than to plonk a secret base for developing and testing weapons?
And again, by letting people believe UFOs had a part in this, you are covering your tracks and keeping these things out of public eyes... something militaries value more than human lives.

There have been many thousands of UFO sightings, some dating back to before Christ, but there are also a huge number of unexplained phenomena which science is only recently getting to explain. While it is an interesting thought for ETs to come from distances far and wide, it is not exactly a practical one.
As a highly advanced species, I do not seem them making the trip all the way to Earth to perform simple autopsies. A more practical theory would that they would come to mine our planet of its resources. They would have technologies immeasurably superior and would no doubt be able to identify the best places for them to begin a “mining” operation in the galaxy. Since Earth is such a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things, it would not be a logical move for them to come all this way to mine a tiny amount of gold, or oxygen or water, when there is much more on other planets.

I look forward to any ideas, debates or arguments about all this... as you may have guessed, I am not personally convinced of ETs, but flying craft is not something I rule out. Hope you enjoyed guys and don't forget to upvote!


I like this a lot @elduderino Not only do I live in Roswell NM, I've been an activist here many years and do not actually believe the ETH (extraterrestrial hypothesis). Your Nazi/Paperclip angle is my belief for the "origin" of the 1947 incident as well (I've lectured publicly on the topic in fact). I was especially glad to see you didn't go the UFOs IN the Bible route - me neither, haha.
Not sure of the spam rules here or how others might misinterpret my intent, so I won't post my links; however my website's homepage can be found from my article (I only have a few now) titled Area51fm podcast now on Steemit. Sorry to make you or others interested take the extra steps but I don't want to be flagged. Great article you have here tho! Already upvoted it.

I am more than happy for you to share some links on here @ibringawareness - just so long as they are not total BS, but I am sure you can see the stuff I focus on.
Indeed, my belief in ETs and UFOs is somewhat minimal... I like to think there is some kind of human involvement in most cases. I have no real background in UFOs since I have researched many interesting technologies from the WW2 era... particularly Nazi technology. It was far ahead of everyone else's works, which leads me to think that there were numerous other oddities that have not yet made it into the history books.

Yup, I'd agree with that last sentence as well! Thanks for the invitation to post links, and yes I scrolled thru your articles list before even posting ;) GB

I think you will love this one... I just don't know what to make of it - a clear cut awesome mystery which will not fail to disappoint no matter what it turns out to be.

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