All Will Be Revealed.

in #mysterious6 years ago (edited)

a lake made.jpg

Around the world there is a clear demonstration of a culture that will in time be revealed as the greatest creators of waterways around the world. From my own study's in North America , as well as those I have found in Africa and elsewhere, I can state that the connections of creating many of the waterways to be found in certain parts of the world are done by the same culture at a certain time in past.

So far from what I can see in North America , there is rarely a moment I don't question anymore about the lakes, rivers, and streams all being connected for a reason ... What most might have seen as natural , could most likely be proven as a creation, and it has been done in an incredible huge scale everywhere .

It will all be revealed in time ...

This post is just to get a feel of what someone-else mentions in their own work towards it all, that show what I will also be covering myself in North America and elsewhere . Showing it all in a way you can see and compare . It is all amazing , truly, and with the right presentation , you will also see how it all connects to many of the things I post about.

These structures mentioned within this website , can be found world wide . I have seen them mentioned from another study in China , shaped the same as those found in many other places. I will do a full report on all this in time .

The canals mentioned , the artificial ponds , lakes and everything else mentioned , can be shown to be an almost exact duplicate in North America , which I have been studying for a while now. Just amazing it is to see how much was done and how it was accomplished in so many places, even in Russia.

I could most likely show you an image of the artificial ponds in at least 6 places from around the world, working on it. The Canals , rivers and streams also , show up everywhere ... Once you realize the amount that was done , you actually end up wondering what is natural...

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