Earth's Wealth (Oil and Gas) Bringing Disasters in East Aceh - #MyPictureDay

in #mypictureday6 years ago

Victims of oil well explosion in East Aceh, Aceh.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018, Serambi Mecca (Aceh) mourns after the disaster that occurred in Ranto Peureulak, East Aceh. Oil wells traditionally cultivated (I do not call illegal) by local residents, burn and explode at 02.00 am. At least 10 people died on the spot and dozens have been rushed to the hospital. Initially, the oil in one of the residents' wells suddenly spilled over and spewed out a huge amount of fresh oil.

Rabu, 25 April 2018, bumi Serambi Mekah berduka setelah musibah yang terjadi di Ranto Peureulak, Aceh Timur. Sumur minyak yang digarap secara tradisional (saya tidak menyebutnya ilegal) oleh warga setempat, terbakar dan meledak pada pukul 02.00 WIB. Setidikitnya, 10 orang meninggal dunia di tempat dan puluhan lainnya terpaksa dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Awalnya, minyak yang ada di salah satu sumur milik warga, tiba-tiba meluber dan memuntahkan minyak segar dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak.

Residents did not waste the opportunity. Both men and women, young and old, quickly picked up the tools and equipment that they used to collect the oil. Unexpectedly, an unknown fire came from where it quickly grabbed, burned down the house, the trees and the people who were there. The cry for help immediately broke. The sleeping population was instantly shocked and scattered to the location. However, the fire is so great that they can not do anything. The struck oil well, soaring as high as 70 meters.

Warga tidak menyia-nyiakan kesempatan tersebut. Baik pria maupun wanita, tua dan muda segera mengambil alat dan peralatan yang bsia digunakan untuk mengumpulkan minyak tersebut. Tanpa disangka, api yang tidak diketahui berasal darimana kemudian dengan cepat menyambar, membakar rumah, pohon dan penduduk yang sedang berada disana. Teriakan minta tolong seketika pecah. Penduduk yang sedang tertidur lelap seketika terkejut dan berhamburan ke lokasi. Namun, api yang sangat besar membuat mereka tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa. Sumur minyak yang disambar api, membumbung setinggi 70 meter lebih.

At the time of the incident, I was in banda Aceh, adrift of 7 hours drive to east Aceh which is my hometown. Upon hearing the sad news in the morning, I immediately planned to go home. Together @munandar, contributor Net TV Aceh region, we left for East Aceh in the afternoon. We arrived at Idi Town at 01.30 WIB. RSUD Dr Zubir Mahmud who was treating dozens of victims became our first goal. Other wounded victims were also treated at Sultan Abdul Aziz Syah Hospital in Peureulak, Langsa General Hospital and Zainal Abidin Hospital in Banda Aceh and some of them have been referred to Adam Malik Hospital in Medan, North Sumatra.

Saat kejadian, saya sedang berada di banda Aceh, terpaut 7 jam perjalanan ke Aceh timur yang merupakan kampung halaman saya. Saat mendengar kabar duka pada pagi harinya, saya langsung merencanakan pulang. Bersama @munandar, kontributor Net TV wilayah Aceh, kami berangkat menuju Aceh Timur pada siang harinya. Kami tiba di Kota Idi pada pukul 01.30 WIB. RSUD Dr Zubir Mahmud yang sedang merawat belasan korban menjadi tujuan pertama kami. Korban luka lainnya juga dirawat di RSUD Sultan Abdul Aziz Syah di Peureulak, RSUD Langsa dan RSUD Zainal Abidin di Banda Aceh serta beberapa diantaranya telah dirujuk RS Adam Malik di Medan, Sumatera Utara.

The next day, we immediately headed to the scene. Terrible scenes plastered in plain sight. The radius of 100 meters in the well, everything has become ash. I can not imagine if I were on the scene that night. However, the towering fire was extinguished shortly before we arrived at the scene. Only the remaining gaseous oil blended.

Keesokan harinya, kami segera menuju ke lokasi kejadian. Pemandangan mengerikan terpampang jelas di depan mata. Radius 100 meter di sumur, semuanya telah menjadi abu. Saya tidak bisa membayangkan seandainya saya berada di lokasi kejadian pada malam itu. Namun, api yang menjulang telah padam sesaat sebelum kami tiba di lokasi. Hanya tersisa semburan minyak bercampur gas yang ada.

East Aceh was indeed hundreds of years ago known as a rich region especially natural gas and petroleum products since the 14th century. Petroleum is often found in a way that is very easy and can be found anywhere. Oil in ancient times was used to light the lamp, the medicine up to attack the enemy of Peureulak Kingdom and Samudera Pasai. No wonder the Kingdom of Sriwijaya, Majapahit, Portuguese, Dutch to Japanese and Indonesian up to now have ambitions against it.

Aceh Timur memang sejak beratus-ratus tahun yang lalu dikenal sebagai daerah yang kaya terutama hasil alam gas dan minyak bumi sejak abad ke 14. Minyak bumi kerap ditemukan dengan cara yang sangat mudah dan bisa ditemukan dimana saja. Minyak pada zaman dulu digunakan untuk menyalakan pelita, obat hingga untuk menyerang musuh Kerajaan Peureulak dan Samudera Pasai. Tidak heran jika Kerajaan Sriwijaya, Majapahit, Portugis, Belanda hingga Jepang dan Indonesia hingga kini memiliki ambisi terhadapnya.

Likewise with the oil in Ranto Peureulak. With a simple statement, people there can easily take oil from the bowels of the earth. For many years they have made oil wells the sole source of livelihood, of course with the dangers lurking and disasters that can happen at any time. The tragedy left a deep wound until now has claimed 21 lives and 39 others suffered serious burns. Here I show some pictures I took at the location.

Begitu juga dengan minyak yang ada di Ranto Peureulak. Dengan perlaatan sederhana, warga disana dengan mudah dapat mengambil minyak dari perut bumi. Bertahun tahun lamanya mereka telah menjadikan sumur minyak sebagai satu-satunya sumber mata pencaharian, tentunya dengan bahaya yang mengintai dan bencana yang bisa terjadi kapan saja. Musibah yang meninggalkan luka yang mendalam itu hingga kini telah merenggut 21 korban jiwa dan 39 lainnya mengalami luka bakar yang sangat serius. Berikut saya perlihatkan beberapa gambar yang saya ambil di lokasi.

Well, This is my entry for #mypictureday challenge #photography hosted by @timsaid in this week.

The wells are still issuing oil and gas.

Location of explosion of oil well.

Location of explosion of oil well.

Oil at the site of an explosion of oil wells.

Oil at the site of an explosion of oil wells.

Oil at the site of an explosion of oil wells.

Oil at the site of an explosion of oil wells.

Tools used by residents to mine oil traditionally.

Tools used by residents to mine oil traditionally.

Victims of oil well explosion in East Aceh, Aceh.

Victims of oil well explosion in East Aceh, Aceh.

Victims of oil well explosion in East Aceh, Aceh.

CameraNikon D3300
LensNikon AF-S 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G
LocationEast Aceh - Indonesia


Follow me : @zamzamiali


Duka Aceh timur adalah duka kita semua. Semoga Allah memberikan yang terbaik dibalik mudibah ini. Artikel yang sangat bagus @zamzamiali

Amin YRA.. Terima kasih @atalontuan..

This is so terrible.
Thoughts and prayers for the people of Aceh.
Thanks for sharing @zamzamiali

I can not imagine, 10 people die after roasting in a very large fire, wounded too many. Thank you for your attention and sympathy @joalvarez.

I'm just seeing this now. How horrific. I have no words. My heart hurts.

I'm glad you say hello even though this post has long been made. I appreciate your caring. 23 people became victims of being roasted in this incident.

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