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RE: MyPictureDay Challenge Round #35 - Baltic Illusions

in #mypictureday6 years ago

Stumbled on this post while looking for good tags to use. Excellent photos, I think the 2nd image in this set is top notch, wouldn't mind it on my wall in a frame. Is the teal green foreground colour sand? Can't help wonder what the real colour is?

The cast you're getting from the filters are not at all unpleasant, but are you able to correct with white balance adjustment in post if you wished?

A few years ago I wasted money on cheap Cokin filters. Trying to correct in post with white balance adjustment would not work at all and trying other methods was a real chore and seldom successful. I now have a mixture of Lee and Hitech, they have a cast but are reasonably easy to correct.


Yeah, my first ever filers were Chinese ones and also a set of color once to start playing with. You know, in the beginning many photographers are just mad about colors in landscapes and getting some crazy ones. Then for quite a long time I jsut stayed with my LEEs, which is yes, still may have a bit of color cast, but very good especially with Canon initial color palette (well, at least completely fit my taste).
And now, since I was searching for not expensive way to still use some ND + Grad on 12mm Sigma, I just stumbled on ebay on those cheap Haida set (I guess they were manufactured for Cocin system). And damn the combination of 8ND Haida + ND Grad of Lee jsut gave those insane colors combination and mixture. So far I'm just in love with it, will see for how long ;) There is almost no any play with WB here, thats what I'm getting straight from the camera, just some additional color grading of course

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