MyPictureDay - Between the storms.

in #mypictureday6 years ago

Hello Friends!

For the weekly contest #mypictureday organized by @timsaid I would like to share my latest phototrip to forests and lakes outside the Ranheim, Norway. This was probably the last day with deep snow and frosty air.


The weather that day was extreme - snow storms was rolling over the land every 30 minutes. Fast changing lighting conditions was creating amazing views, which lasts maybe few minutes before the next wave of heavy, low clouds and snowfall covering the world with dark-white void...

After the work I jump up in my car and went to the nearest interesting locations to try my luck in catching these unique moments of sunlight.


First I shoot nearby houses surrounded by snow-covered forests, looking amazing like from a Christmas postcard.
I went to the frozen and covered by thick snow cover Jonsvatent lake. Trying to go somewhere aoutside the clean street I just fall into 1,5 meter of snow which already has started to melt and was realy wet. After few tries I decided to stich to the road and use my zoom lens for better framing and magnification.


All the forests looked simply beautiful and as I said in one of my previous post - cover of snow make them look magical istead of just a boring, dark-green spots in landscape.



The spruce trees are ideal for this kind of weather, when snow is covering everything with fat cover, showing the details of the trees and making them looks simply beautiful...



I also stopped by the high birch-trees covered with snow from one side, to catch some view with wide lens.


I reached my favourite photo spot on the way - located in a high hill with amazing view over the lake and distant forests and islands. This was really great decision to stop there as few minutes later some magic start to going on...


Between the stormy clouds a gap appear showing the blue sky on one side and strong, warm light beams from the sun on the other. I knew this was my only chance to catch something with colours that day. This was the moment of truth ;).


Behind my back I had also great view on a big, lonely oak tree in the middle of the field, partly covered with snow, with nice, sunny snowy forests in back. Together with the sky made my best view that day.


All the show lasts about 5 minutes - after that nothing else left than go back to the car and head out back home...


On the way back home another, third one, snow storm came...


Last stop was in the beginning of the lake where I stopped first time. I sam a little bit more light and colours on the sky so I hope for the sunset light appear. Unfortunatelyy not much happend and the colours disapear fast, giving way to another wave of snowfall...


Gear used that day: Canon 6D with zoom lens Canon 70-300mm and wide lens Canon 16-35mm with polarizing filter.


Thanks for reading and watching, I hope You liked the post!

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Thanks for everybody who will decide to support my work! You are Great!!


Thanks for giving us this feast for the eyes. :)

My pleasure to hear it! Thanks a lot!!

It's delightful!

Thanks a lot!!

What camera was shot? If it `s not a secret

No, it is not any secret - I wrote the information on under the last photo in the post: Gear used that day: Canon 6D with zoom lens Canon 70-300mm and wide lens Canon 16-35mm with polarizing filter.

Many thanks!

Norway is a beautiful place! Thanks in sharing these photos

Thank You for comment and I am happy You liked it!

Great sharp shots ;)

Many thanks! I tried to select most interesting ones from that day...

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