in #mynameiswhat6 years ago

Heya steemians! I know many or some of you are wond'ring what my username is. Okay I will reveal it to you now as I will unravel the mystery behind it. (Is there really a mystery or am I just exaggerating it? Hehe) Here we go:


Dizzyapple comes from the word DISCIPLE
According to wikipedia:
In Christianity, the term disciple primarily refers to dedicated followers of Jesus. This term is found in the New Testament only in the Gospels and Acts. In the ancient world a disciple is a follower or adherent of a teacher. It is not the same as being a student in the modern sense. A disciple in the ancient biblical world actively imitated both the life and teaching of the master. It was a deliberate apprenticeship which made the fully formed disciple a living copy of the master.

The term "disciple" represents the Koine Greek word mathētēs, which generally means "one who engages in learning through instruction from another, pupil, apprentice" or in religious contexts such as the Bible, "one who is rather constantly associated with someone who has a pedagogical reputation or a particular set of views, disciple, adherent. "The word "disciple" comes into English usage by way of the Latin discipulus meaning a learner, but given its biblical background, should not be confused with the more common English word 'student.'

A disciple is different from an apostle, which instead means a messenger. More specifically "messengers with extraordinary status, especially of God’s messenger, envoy" but predominately in the New Testament it is used of "a group of highly honored believers with a special function as God’s envoys. "While a disciple is one who learns and apprentices under a teacher or rabbi, an apostle is one sent as a missionary to proclaim the good news and to establish new communities of believers.

The meaning of the word 'disciple' is not derived primarily from its root meaning or etymology but from its widespread usage in the ancient world. Disciples are found in the world outside of the Bible. For example among the ancient Greek philosophers, disciples learned by imitating the teacher’s entire way of life and not just by remembering the spoken words of the teacher.

I choose it because for me, DISCIPLE, simply means a follower of God, I may not represent any of what wiki describes as a disciple, I may not described myself as a religious person, but I know inside my heart I have faith in God and I am His DISCIPLE, as I follow Him in my simple and humble ways.

As for this time of writing, I still wont change it even if Im given a chance, because Im already used to it, and thats what I use in other sites too.

What about yours? Can you share to us what your username means?

Thanks for taking some of your time reading my post! Have a pleasant day ahead!



Oh the cheetah just visited your post. Just inform them that you have cited the source. It is better to respond to it than to ignore it ate lyna.

Thanks for the suggestion mam, but i dont know how. It did show up even if i put the source.

It showed up because you copy pasted word for word. That's how it detects plagiarism kasi the text is the same. Try using the quote format by putting ">" before copy/pasting the text. It will look like:

the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Happy Steeming!

Yeah its my intention really to copy paste it, and i have cited where i got it, and cheetah is only a bot, programmed to that kind of task, so there is no exemption frim him whether it is cited or not.. and thank you for the tip C= ..i will follow your suggestions next time..thanks

Awww. So that's where it came from. I was thinking about the name before coz I always see you upvoting my posts where dizzyapple came from. Disciple. Thanks for letting us know more about you with this info.

Yeah, it comes from disciple, now you know and thank you so much @fycee for always supporting my post.

Hello Thank you for joining, good luck!

thanks too for having this contest where a person like me can participate

honestly, when i first read your name i thought you mean you are a dizzy apple... but reading through the article, i realized you mean so much more ! i love it! thanks for joining!

Yeah thats what others think too, and Im glad you love it, thanks for dropping by

Thanks for following Jesus. Thanks for sharing. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Happy Easter 2018.

Youre welcome, nice to meet you Oatmeal Joey Arnold, Happy Easter too

Yun pala, akala ko mahilig ka uminom kaya dizzy. 😄

naku, on the contrary, di pa ako naktry uminom (not literally) hehe, i mean with alcoholic beverages, not even once in my entire life hehehehe

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