My Favourite Cartoon/Steem Sri Lanka 3G Contest Series/Week 03/Tom and Jerry/


Hello steemians,how are you guys doing in this period of crisis, pandemic and all other problematic situations? whatever that may be bothering you, I want to tell you that the Lord that led you safely through the era of covid19 will fortify you with more life,healthy living,peace of mind, happiness and abundant blessings. Trust in God the giver of life.


In the course of analysing my childhood best or rather favourite cartoon video, I would like to put the following concepts into a more self-explanatory form to enable easy and clear communication system. The following concepts as 'cartoon', 'childhood' and 'favorite' are explained or defined below;

CARTOON; this is defined as an amazing drawing in a newspaper or magazine. It is also defined as a film produced by photographing a number of drawings gradually changing models, so that they look as if they are moving. Cartoons are drawn by a person called a cartoonist.

CHILDHOOD; simply means a person's period of infancy (moving towards becoming a boy). It is a period of someone's life when they are still a child.

FAVORITE; means to like one so much from or among others. It simply means to like something more than others of the same kind.
Hence, I would expose the best kinds of cartoon that I enjoyed watching during my childhood days as we proceed.

My name is Eze Chinedu Emmanuel , I'm from Nigeria,a country located in the sub-saharan Africa. We reside in the Southeastern part of the country called Nigerian. It was a primitive and archaic experience though, I enjoyed it as a child. During my childhood days, I watched a lot of cartoon movies of which I could only mention few of them here. They are; Tom and Jerry, Ben10, Avatar(the last Airbender) kirikou and many more. But among these cartoons that I watched then,I can only boost of Tom and Jerry as my favourite cartoon movie ever.


Tom and Jerry was and is still my favourite cartoon. I started watching Tom and Jerry when I was six(6) years old. Like I said earlier, we live in a rural area then. One would ask of the channel that I mostly watch Tom and Jerry. To be honest with you, I don't have any channel then,as I only watch it by standing outside the house of our neighbour, peeping through his window in order to take a glance of the video called Tom and Jerry. Then, there was nothing like satellites in our area,unlike the developed countries where you have different satellites and cables; that one can tune to any station or channel of his or her choice to -watch cartoon at any moment he wishes to. I could remember then that the Tom and Jerry short movies I watched was the one recorded on CD-ROM and DVD-ROMS.
It was sold in the market, and for you to watch a film,you must at least have a VCD or DVD player. It was not a joke at all. I mostly watch Tom and Jerry during the weekends because our neighbor would always buy the newly Tom and Jerry plates available in the market; in order to make his family happy during the weekend. And to me, that was when I also make happy and comfortable; as I would get myself ready for the weekend. I can still remember vividly, how I used to stand by the window side, looking through the little opening in order not to miss a single scene.
I would laugh whenever I see Tom ( a gray and white short hair house cat) being very energetic, with a larger body size than Jerry (a small house mouse in brown colour) fighting and tormenting each other. The small Jerry would chase Tom despite his size. The cartoon displays a sadistic tendencies such that both Tom and Jerry finds pleasure in tormenting each other. Although some happens in response to set-off events. Sometimes, they would become friends but towards the ending, there is always an event that will ruin their bonds. In some cases they would work together to kick against third party. for example the maid who always torture both of them. They would coincide together and make sure that all her plans and aspirations were abortive. They also help each other in terms of danger caused by a third party;as we can see in the mammy two shoes as one free would develop a conscience and save the other in punishment.



MY favourite character in the cartoon video is Jerry. I like Jerry because he would always stay in his house until Tom finds his trouble. And Jerry is the type that likes helping,although his helps were mostly to abort Tom's dreams and aspirations. I really enjoyed watching Tom and Jerry then, although in my free time now, I still watch a movie show of Tom and Jerry.


I really enjoyed watching Tom and Jerry as it is still my favourite show despite my level, age, desires and aspirations. Tom and Jerry taught me a lot to remember. However,Tom and Jerry's amazing friendship taught me the following;

  • To be passionate and caring; in this life we have to be caring and kind to each other because,even though Tom and Jerry teases each other,intimidate and irritate themselves,yet they didn't live without each I learnt to be passionate and kind even to my foes.

  • To be contented with the little I have; from the cartoon movie Tom and Jerry, I learnt how to be okay and satisfied with what life has given me,because those are the little source of happiness that life has offered.

  • I learnt that caring is sharing and sharing is caring; from the moments of Jerry and Tom, I could see that life has no meaning without funs and laughter with each other.

  • I learnt that failure is a necessity for success; from Tom and Jerry after seeing how many times Tom fails to catch Jerry. He still didn't quit, he kept trying and at each time with a bigger ideas to catch Jerry.

  • I also learnt that it takes friendship to make life complete; because it is unique to find someone who can enjoy the jokes as you do. Hence, friendship is the best gift of Life ever.

  • It taught me that size doesn't matter: no matter the problem you face in life,no matter how ambiguous it maybe, just try and always be focused and not be scared away by the problem. In general, jerry was always striking back despite Tom's size.

In conclusion, I appreciate @ashen99 for such a contest that serves as a medium to express my childhood experience in watching cartoon movie . I would also advise readers to strictly observe and learn the lessons mentioned above by keeping a good friendship as well as encouraging and promoting peaceful co-existence while dealing with members of the society. God bless you🙏

......thanks for reading my post

.......keep in touch❤️


Entry 46
Hi @ezeemmanuel

Thank you for joining my contest.

I don't have any channel then, as I only watch it by standing outside the house of our neighbor,

Do not let anything stop you. best wishes You have faced my contest well

can you post this in Steem Sri Lanka community.

It's done already sir

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Thanks so much for the upvote

Hey, You should post in Steem Sri Lanka community.

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