in #myday6 years ago


Hello guys, this is @hermannsol and today i must say i had a great day. We had our practical exams for our National Diploma today at the Regional hospital that hosted about 400 students from different proffessional institutions all showcasing their knowledge and showing promise of becoming the best in the field.

For most it was a tensed day but i made use of it. I met so many colleagues i have worked with during interns, friends from other schools and we really hit it off again after having been apart for quite a while. It was great thing to reunite once more on such an occasion. It was quite a tedious day but like i said i made the most of it.


Here is a close colleague of mine. She is lynda and we really had fun today, talking about topics and discussion from different angles not even related to our exams. We were just living in the moment and enjoying the awesome hospital environment. I spent the whole day her company since we were in thesame group and i spent all day teasing her and making her laugh. We really had a great time today and got to talk about a lot off things. I really enjoyed her company today and the environment and the air was just perfect.


I made lynda laugh and laugh and she nearly killed me for it haahahah. It was so funny to see most students discussing and talking about the exams but here we were having a great time talking and giggling about different issues and topics far from our exams. I will tell you sometimes it is great to get your head out of the ideal for just a while and have a cool time. Don't follow my example on exam days of course hahahaha.


All in all it was a great day as our exams was quite a success and of course it was full of fun fun fun....
I really had a great time today and i really needed it. It's been long i had such cool and relaxing moments full of laughter and joy. It was all i really needed. Thank God he provided a way for that today...


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