MYCRO- Simply Getting The Job Done

in #mycro5 years ago


What makes the world broken is only spinning around two elements, time and money. The individuals who have a great deal of time are undoubtedly insufficient in wealth, while the individuals who have an excessive amount of wealth are frequently denied with time to have fun. In spite of this difficulty, there is not a lot we can do as the differentiation between the two is a greater amount of like a regular day to day existence's reflection of what is strangely valid.

Based on an investigation directed, many accepts that bliss is intently connected with time. An opportunity to spend on things we need, sustenances we like to eat, travel to places we need to be, treat our families and companions or essentially spoil oneself in a salon. Obviously, these expects money to do as such. Be that as it may, with the world's present place of employment setting, frequently than not, laborers are regularly denied with time to appreciate things given the pay earned. Barraged with exercises both outside and inside work, individuals never again have sufficient time to do straightforward things themselves.

With Mycro tending to this consistent regular day to day existence problem among time and money, a balance between the two will be built up where individuals around the globe can would what they like to do, when they might want to do it, to whom they need to do it which are generally reliant on how much their time is value.

The team behind Mycro has an extreme objective and that is "to ensure the most important blessing life offers individuals: TIME". With Mycro, individuals around the globe has the privilege and adaptability to be responsible for how they need to invest their important energy. With its decentralized and Peer to Peer platform of basic jobs, clients never again should be denied of the opportunity to appreciate and utilize their time as indicated by how they need it. This gives harmony in every individual between the quandary of time and money.

Mycro tended to the consistent problem among time and money. Much the same as how might one make additional time as opposed to moving a furnishings from floor two to four? Much the same as how might I carry my little girl to see pandas this end of the week? These inquiries are only few of the normal ones two sorts of individuals regularly toss once a day and one who needs to acquire time and the other one who needs to acquire money. To basically, an occupation supplier and a vocation seeker as needs be.

Mycro overcomes any issues between these two substances by being a vocation marketplace platform for straightforward jobs from occupation suppliers who wishes to acquire time and for employment suppliers who essentially has a great deal of extra time and might want to pick up a couple of bucks.


Mycro: The Time and Money Equalizer

To put things basically, Mycro is a straightforward or momentary occupation marketplace that is basic, quick, unwavering quality, security and ease, across the board. The tokenization of the irregularity among time and money through the Mycro Token, MYO, permits the Mycro community of occupation suppliers and seekers to build up a profound feeling of adaptability of time and money.


With the present place of employment setting, a vocation supplier may be gravely needing little assistance while some activity seekers stay apathetic or have no data to such chances. This hole powers work suppliers to have brief period while work seekers to have additional time with minimal expenditure.

Through Mycro's astute and self-learning algorithms that matches an occupation seeker's profile to an occupation supplier's particulars, the nature of yield work and effectiveness between the two parties will be incredibly improved. Simply the best jo seeker will do the fitting occupation for a vocation supplier and the other way around.

To help improve the quality and proficiency of Mycro's general ecosystem, when a vocation is done, both the activity seeker and employment supplier find the opportunity to assess and rate one another. This improves the coordinating rate of the predefined employment and specialist after some time. This further adds more assurance to work suppliers that they will get the most ideal quality from the most ideal activity seeker.

Through the escrow smart contract, payments will be naturally taken care of based on understanding and it might be dispersed once the activity is totally and impeccably done. With this setting, Mycro no longer needs any go-between bodies which will reduce the general operational expense to both the Mycro team and its community.

Mycro Job Marketplace

As referenced, there is at present a major hole between little occupation suppliers and employment seekers, or middlemen. This reinforces significantly more the situation among time and money for the two substances. Both are uninformed of the nearness of one another. In any case, with Mycro, the free market activity will be displayed inside the marketplace which are available to both. What's more, as the community keeps on developing and all the more fascinating jobs offers are put, various agents will enormously increment and this implies additional time and money in like manner.


Mycro Transaction Examples


Mycro: How It Works?

Dapo, an occupation supplier, has a pressing employment to do yet her nursery is as of now a wreck. Wanting to acquire time in doing what she ought to do, she posted an offer of employment at Mycro in would like to discover a merchant who wishes to carry out the responsibility the most ideal way. Zubir, a middleman, alongside different merchants saw Dapo's activity posting and utilized his MYO tokens to put an offer. Alongside Zubir's notoriety and occupation history, Zubir can decide himself how the expediting commission would be during the prizes pool. A higher offer would arrive the job to Zubir.


Oh, Dapo was amazed by Zubir's offered and qualification and picked Zubir to carry out the responsibility. Once Dapo and Zubir achieved an understanding, all MYO tokens expressed in the offering will be set in the reward pool. Dapo and Zubir will at that point be accepting an individual QR code and Susan examining Zubir's QR code will check Zubir's start of carrying out the responsibility.

In the event that the concurred installment terms is through digital currencies, the concurred compensation will currently be put away in an escrow smart contract. The remuneration will presently be on hold and not Dapo nor Zubir approach it any longer. Once Zubir finished the Job, Zubir should check Dapo's QR code with the goal that the compensation will be continued consequently.

Before the exchange closes, both Zubir and Dapo will rate one another. The appraisals will distinguish how the reward pool will be dispensed among Mycro, Dapo and Zubir. The following are the sorts of short employment arranges inside Mycro.

Mycro Application

The Dashboard shows each client's posted jobs, status of got and sent applications just as wallet balance.


Posting an occupation at Mycro is as simple as showing pictures, having a short set of working responsibilities alongside it, the spot and time of the activity, compensation, hourly or fixed rate just as close to home inclinations on the kind of favored merchant.

The Job Search area is the place the smart algorithm of Mycro is working out of sight. This will bring offers of employment that matches the merchant's advantages and aptitudes or the activity supplier's inclinations. An easy to use interface enables simple access to offers of employment. Offers of employment will be recorded start to finish with the main outcome as the proposed best idea for a middleman.

The Reputation profile of a client demonstrates a profile picture, name, age, spot of living arrangement, regardless of whether confirmed and safeguarded or not, movement status rating stars and reviews, methods for installment and an image gathering of jobs.

The Mycro Benefits


Mycro Token Sale Details


Mycro Team




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Author's Details

Bitcointalk Username: Ajaone
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2587917

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