Palm Trees - Show Us Your California

in #mycalifornia3 years ago

Hi Friends,

This post is an entry into the weekly Show Us Your California contest hosted by @socalsteemit where we show an aspect of our California.

I was asked the other day why there are so many palm trees in Southern California - I didn’t really have an answer.

I thought they could be native, but strategically placed, but after researching, I am wrong. Turns out they are strictly decorative and not native to the area, though they do thrive in the climate of Southern California. The story is that they were first planted by Franciscan Monks who in habited the area and used them for ornamental purposes, as well as a religious symbol related to Palm Sunday.

Here are a couple of tall ones near my house:


Even if they are not here natively, they certainly have become icons of the area and have thrived here.

Thanks for coming by and seeing a little piece of My California.



Is it the camera or my eyes deceiving me? Those are oddly tall palm trees. I have never seen palm trees this.

They are very tall - maybe 120 feet tall!

I also have many plam trees near my home but those are not very tall like this.

True, they are quite tall!

Beautiful palm trees decorate the environment, rising as if greeting the sky that gazes at them with admiration. Thank you, nice photos.

Thanks for the kind words

wow its too much tall and the picture is looking so beautiful.

Thanks my friend

What beautiful palm trees must be about 6 stories high.

Yes, that is probably about right!

The soil must be very fertile to be able to reach that height.

You are right about that!

That's so tall, the one that grows in our place is even reachable by hand. Lol

Those would be easier to trim!

Oh yeah that's true. Though I notice some fruits (is it really fruit), wondering if they're edible.

It is very beautiful photography

Glad you enjoyed it

Congratulations @brian.rrr, your post won 1st prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!

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