Kill the cow..........

in #myanmar7 years ago (edited)


Once upon a time,there was a wise man in a village.
His name is Mr.Jone.
One day,he made a trip with his pupil.
When the time was night,they made a plan to rest and sleep .
So,he commanded his pupil to find a place. There had a hut beneath the tree that a poor family was living.
His pupil found it.
When Mr.Jone and his pupil went there,and looked them who beggarly live .
Mr.Jone requested to sleep for that day because they have difficulty to sleep.Although the family was poor,they were kind,good humour.They accepted to sleep .
They entertained Mr.Jone and his minion with delicious cheeses.
Mr.Jone and his minion asked what do you work,how do you live here.
And the family answered that they have a cow and so,they have milks and sold others places.And they depends a cow.,.......................
Mr.Jone's pupil pitied the family because of their answer.

After entertained,Mr.Jone's minion thought about the family to save from hardship.***********

Next day,after Mr.Jone said thanks for entertainment.They continued their trip.Along their trip,Mr.Jone' pupil thought about the poor family.
He said his master about he want to save the poor family.And then,his master,Mr.Jone told that if you want to save them,you must kill their cow. .......
At the beginning of Mr.Jone's answer,he didn't understand what his master means. ......
So , he asked his master .....why?
And his master,Mr.Jone said again that you must kill cow if you wish to save them......
So,Mr.Jone' minion killed the cow.
One year later,......
Mr.Jone and his pupil made a trip ..And they had a problem to sleep like a previous year...........
Mr.Jone's pupil found a place to sleep for a day. ........
That house was a place that Mr.Jone's pupil wanted to save from degradation .
Mr.Jone' minion amaze that place was delightful .........
So,he asked the family how did you become a rich man.

The family answered.************
The next day when you leave ,my cow was killed. ....
So ,I can't live without eating.
So.I try for living .when our family tried a year,we have a lot of money to buy three cows....
And we become ........
The aim of story is to convey that everyone to work with own
Work with your hands or
Work with your brain..............

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