မ​ေမ့ရက္​နိုင္​ဘူး(၁) ( Never forgetting)

in #myanmar7 years ago (edited)


  " လြန္​ခဲ့​ေသာ၃နွစ္​ကဘဝတပါးသို႔ ကူး​ေျပာင္​း သြားခဲ့​ေသာ ဦးၿဖိဳး​ေဝအား ရည္​စူး၍ လွဴ ဒါန္​းရ​ေသာ ကုသိုလ္​အစုစုကို ဘဝတပါးသို႔ကူး​ေျပာင္​းသြား​ေသာ ဦးၿဖိဳး​ေဝနွင္​့တကြ ၃၁ဘံုမွာက်င္​လည္​ ၾကကုန္​​ေသာ ျမင္​အပ္​၊ မျမင္​အပ္​ သတၱဝါမ်ား အားလံုးအား အမ်ွ​ေပး​ေဝ ပါကုန္​၏ အားလံုး ၾကားၾကားသမ်ွ အမ်ွ အမ်ွ ယူ​ေတာ္​မူၾကပါကုန္​​ေသာ္​ ........ သာဓု၊ သာဓု ...."
         သံဃာ​ေတာ္​အရွင္​ျမတ္​မ်ား၏ အမ်ွ​ေဝသံနွင့္​့အတူ ယုယု၏ မ်က္​ရည္​မ်ား တသြင္​သြင္​စီးက် လာခဲ့ပါ​သည္​။ "သမီးရယ္​ စိတ္​ကို​ေျဖပါ။တမလြန္​က သားသိရင္​ စိတ္​​ေကာင္​းမွာ မဟုတ္​ဘူး" ​သူမ​ေဘးနားမွ ၿဖိဳး​ေဝအ​ေမ၏ အသံအား ၾကားတခ်က္​မၾကားတခ်က္​ျဖင္​့ သူမမ်က္​စိ​ေတြ​ေဝဝါးသြားပါၿပီ။"ဟဲ့ သမီး...သမီး လုပ္​ၾကပါဦး။ သတိလစ္​သြားၿပီ။"
          လြန္​​ေလၿပီး​ေသာ အတိတ္​ကာလ........။ သူမတို႔နွစ္​​ေယာက္​သံ​ေယာဇဥ္​သည္​ မူႀကိဳ​ေက်ာင္​း မတက္​ရ​ေသးခင္​ စကားမပီကလာပီကလာ​ေျပာတတ္​သည္​့အ႐ြယ္​မွစတင္​ခဲ့​ေလသည္​။ သူမ၃နွစ္​မျပည္​့တျပည္​့အ႐ြယ္​ ၿခံထဲရိွ ဒန္​းက​ေလး၌ သူမထိုင္​​ေနစဥ္​ သူမတို႔​ေဘးအိမ္​သို႔ ​ပစၥည္​းတင္​သည္​့ကားႀကီးဆိုက္​လာပါသည္​။သူမလည္​း လွမ္​းၾကည္​့ကာစပ္​စုမိသည္​။ကားႀကီး​ေနာက္​၌ တကၠစီတစ္​စီး ဆိုက္​လာပါသည္​။
  သူမလွမ္​းၾကည္​့မိရာ တကၠစီ​ေပၚမွ အမ်ိဳးသားႀကီး တစ္​ဦး၊ အမ်ိဳးသမီးႀကီးတစ္​ဦးနွင္​့သူမအ႐ြယ္​​ေကာင္​က​ေလးတစ္​​ေယာက္​ ဆင္​းလာသည္​ကို​ေတြ႕လိုက္​ရခဲ့သည္​။

သူမအ႐ြယ္​​ေကာင္​​ေလးက သူမလွမ္​းၾကည္​့​ေနသည္​ကို ျမင္​သြားၿပီး မ်က္​စိမိွတ္​ျပပါသည္​။ သူမလည္​း ​ေခါင္​းကိုငံု႔ ခ်ကာ အိမ္​ထဲသို႔ ​ေျပးဝင္​သြားမိပါသည္​။သူမသည္​ ငယ္​ငယ္​ကတည္​းက အလြန္​အမင္​းလူ​ေၾကာက္​ၿပီး ရွက္​တတ္​သည္​့ က​ေလးတစ္​​ေယာက္​ ျဖစ္​ပါသည္​။
သူမ​အိမ္​ထဲသို႔ ​​ေျပးအဝင္​ သူမအ​ေမၿခံထဲသို႔ အဆင္​းတံခါးဝ၌ တိုက္​မိသြားရာ " ဟဲ့...ဟဲ့ ဘာျဖစ္​လာတာလဲ သမီးရယ္​"ဟု သူမအ​ေမ လွမ္​း​ေအာ္​သည္​ကိုပင္​ သူမမၾကားနိုင္​ဘဲ အခန္​းထဲ​ေျပး​ဝင္​ၿပီး အိပ္​ယာ​ထက္​၌​ေမွာက္​လ်က္​ မ်က္​နွာအပ္​ထားကာ ​ေနမိပါ​ေတာ့သည္​။
​ထို႔​ေန႔ျၿပီး​ေနာက္​တစ္​​ေန႔နံနက္​၌ မိသားစုမနက္​စာစားၾက ရင္​း​ေမ​ေမက ​ေဘးအိမ္​ကလူသစ္​​ေတြအ​ေၾကာင္​း​ေျပာ ပါသည္​။ သူမလည္​း မနက္​စာစားအၿပီး သူမတို႔ၿခံ​ေရွ႕ဆီးပင္​​ေျခရင္​းရိွ ခံုတန္​းလ်ား​ေလးတြင္​ တစ္​​ေယာက္​တည္​းထိုင္​​ေနစဥ္​ "​ေဟ့ နင္​့နာမည္​ဘယ္​လို​ေခၚလဲ။"
အသံၾကား၍သူမလွည္​့ၾကည္​့မိရာမ​ေန႔က​ေကာင္​​က​ေလး။ "နင္​နဲ႔ခင္​ခ်င္​လို႔။ ငါ့ကိုနင္​့သူငယ္​ခ်င္​းအျဖစ္​သတ္​မွတ္​​ေပးလို႔ရမလား။" "​အင္​း ရပါတယ္​ဟာ။"
သူမစကားသံအဆံုး၌ ​ေကာင္​က​ေလးက သူ႔လက္​ညိႈး​နွင္​့လက္​ခလယ္​ကို​ေကြးၿပီး သူမ​ေရွ႕ထိုး​ေပးလိုက္​ရာ သူမ​က​ေခၚမယ္​ဆို​ေသာ သ​ေကၤတျဖင္​့ လက္​​ေခ်ာင္​း​နွစ္​ခု​ေပၚ ဖိခ်လိုက္​ပါ​ေတာ့သည္​။
သူမတို႔နွစ္​​ေယာက္​၏ သံ​ေယာဇဥ္​နိဒါန္​းကား ဤတြင္​ စတင္​ဖြင္​့လွစ္​ခဲ့​ေလၿပီ။ သူမတို႔ နွစ္​​ေယာက္​​
သံ​ေယာဇဥ္​ကား က​ေလးဘဝကပင္​ အင္​မတန္​ႀကီးခဲ့ၾကပါသည္​။
"​အ​ေမသားယုယုတို႔အိမ္​ဘက္​သြားဦးမယ္​"ဟု လွမ္​း​ေျပာၿပီး ၿဖိဳး​ေဝ ယုယုတို႔အိမ္​ဘက္​သို႔ လွမ္​းထြက္​လာခဲ့ပါသည္​။ယုယုတို႔ အိမ္​ဘက္​​ေရာက္​​ေသာအခါ ယုယုအ​ေမက " သား​ေရ သားသူငယ္​ခ်င္​း​ေတာ့ အရမ္​းဖ်ား​ေနလို႔ ​ေဆာ့နိုင္​မွာမဟုတ္​ဘူး။" " ဟုတ္​ကဲ့ အန္​တီ။သူအခန္​းထဲမွာလား သားဝင္​သြားမယ္​​ေနာ္​" ဟု သူျပန္​​​ေျပာၿပီး သူမအခန္​းထဲဝင္​လာခဲ့သည္​။
ကုတင္​​ေပၚ၌ ပက္​လက္​က​ေလးျဖင္​့ ႏြမ္​းနယ္​​ေသာ သူငယ္​ခ်င္​းမမ်က္​နွာျမင္​ရ​ေသာအခါ သ့ူရင္​ထဲနင္​့ကနဲျဖစ္​သြားပါသည္​။ " ဟဲ့ ကတံုးမ ဖ်ားၿပီ။မဟုတ္​လား။ငါ့စကား နားမ​ေထာင္​ပဲ စက္​ဘီး​ေလ်ာက္​စီးတာ။"
"ငါ့ကို ကတံုးမလို႔မ​ေခၚပါနဲ႔ဆို။" သူမ အသံ​က အားမရိွ ​ေဖ်ာ့​ေတာ့စြာျဖင္​့။ "နင္​ျပန္​​ေတာ့​ေအာ္​နိုင္​သား။ နင္​့ဦးထုတ္​​ေတြခ်ြတ္​ထားစမ္​းပါ။ နင္​့ကတံုးကို ဘယ္​သူမွမျမင္​ပါဘူး"ဟု ​ေျပာၿပီးဦးထုတ္​ကိုဆြဲခ်ြတ္​ရာ သူမငိုမဲ့မဲ့ျဖစ္​သြားပါသည္​။ "​ေအး...​ေအး ျပန္​​ေဆာင္​းထား။ ျပန္​​ေဆာင္​းထား"ဟု​ေျပာၿပီး ျပန္​​ေခ်ာ့လိုက္​ရပါသည္​။
ထိုည၌ပင္​ သူမ​အဖ်ားႀကီးၿပီး သတိလစ္​သြား၍ က​ေလး​ေဆးရံုသို႔ တင္​လိုက္​ရသည္​။​ေနာက္​​တ​ေန႔၌ မိဘမ်ားနွင္​့အတူ​ေဆးရံုသို႔ သတင္​းသြား​ေမးရာ သူသူမအနားမွမခြာ​ေတာ့​ေပ။ သူမ​ေဆးရံုမွ မဆင္​းမခ်င္​းသူမအနားမွာသာ​ေနခဲ့သည္​။ လူႀကီးမ်ားဘယ္​လိုမွ​ေခ်ာ့​ေခၚလည္​းမရ။ အစားလည္​းမစား၍ မနည္​း​ေခ်ာ့​ေက်ြးခဲ့ရသည္​။
သူမ​ေဆးရံုမွ ဆင္​းၿပီးအိမ္​သို႔​ေရာက္​​ေသာ အခါတြင္​လည္​း သူမအနားမွတဖဝါးမွမခြာခဲ့​ေပ။ လူႀကီးမ်ားပင္​ သူတို႔နွစ္​​ေယာက္​သံ​ေယာဇဥ္​အား တအံ့တၾသျဖစ္​ခဲ့ရပါသည္​။
ဤသည္​ကား သူမတို႔၏ က​ေလးဘဝသံ​ေယာဇဥ္​တည္​း။
က်န္​သံ​ေယာဇဥ္​မ်ားအား အပိုင္​း(၂)တြင္​ ဆက္​လက္​ဖတ္​ရူွ ႔ပါရန္​။

       " Many kinds of merits for U Phyo who was died last 3 years ago may be equally shared for all living-things who live in the universe.  Equal share... equal share. May be called "Well done". Well done...well done.."
     Yu Yu's tears was being flown when the monks called " well done" at the end. " Daughter; you have to make your feeling well.If my son who was another life know; he will be sad."  Phyo's mother said.But her vision couldn't be clear and could hear voice as well as not hear. " Daughter..; daughter help me. She is slipping mind."
     Passing past times.............

Their attachment between she and he had started before the age of pre-school students .A truck which was fulled with things stopped in front of
the left house of her house while she was sitting on the swing in her compound . Then she inquisitively looked there.After the truck; a taxi stopped there.
She saw a man; a woman and a male child who was the same age of her while she was looking at.The male child teased her by closing his one eye while he was seeing her look.So she got down her head and ran into her house.She had been shameful and had been phobia the srange people since her childhood.
She accidently pushed her mother at the door who was going to the compound while she was running to the house. " Daughter; what happened?" Her mother was shouting her.But she was running to her bed room without hearing her voice and was overturning on her bed.
Her mother was telling about her new neighbours who was beside her house while her family was having breakfast in the next morning. After having breakfast; she was sitting on the bench under the plum in front of her compound. " Hay; what is your name?"
She was looking back because of hearing a voice and she found her male child who was seen. " I want to make friend with you. Can you allow me as your friend?" " Yes; I can." He
was bending his middle finger and overlapping on index finger at the end of her voice.Then his overlapping fingers was placed before her. So she was pressing on these fingers by showing her friendship sign.
The preface of their attachment was started with that condition.Their attachment had been very strong since their childhood.
" Mother; I am going to Yu Yu's house." Phyo Wai said his mother and he was going to her house.When he reached her house; her mother said " Son; Yu Yu is very sick. She cann't play with you."" Yes; aunty. Is she in her bed room? May I go in her room?" He was replying and going into her room.
He seriously felt sad while he was seeing that she was tiredly laying on her bed." Hay; bald girl; Are you ill? You didn't listen I said not to ride bicycle in the hot sun."
" Don't call me bald girl;"she was saying with pale face." You can shout me.Take off your hats and nobody cann't see your bald head;" he was saying and taking off her hats.So she was crying." You are taking on your hats again;" he was soothing her.
Tonight she was seriously ill and slipping mind to send her the hospital.Next day; he and his parents went to the hospital and encouraged her.Then he was staying with her all the time till she went back home.He was persuaded to eat by his parents without eating anything.
He had been with her when she went back home.Their attachment was been surprising by their adults.
This is their childhood's attachment.
Continued to read part (2) the remaining attachment.
MSC No. 173

Credited from google images.



Good writing

Good ပါဗ်ာ

ေကာင္းပါတယ္ အပိုင္း၂ကိုေစာင့္ေနပါမယ္



Good တယ္​ အား​ေပး​ေနမယ္​


အပိုင္း၂ ေမ်််ာ္ေနမယ္


Good post ,thz u par



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