GLOBALIZATION: gradually decaying African Culture

in #myanigeria7 years ago

Many Faces of Globalization

A cow is dying for a trip abroad, Let it go.
It will come back as corned beef.

Unfortunately this has been one of the major negative effects globalization has had on Africa, Africans and our culture and traditions. The only culture in the western world is the fact that there is no culture.

How did we lose our sense of culture, customs and traditions. Its like there is clearly made that manifest in recent years as we are starting to lose all the ancient landmarks set by our ancestors. By ancient landmarks I in this context refer to culture and traditions.

African People

We have gone from permitting girls to go topless to gays and transsexuals. Actions that would cause our ancestors to turn around in their graves.

If you are ignorant to this things then you probably have not fully grasped why the world is consistently being referred to these days a global villa

There is almost no such thing as isolated trends, individual crises that affect only a nation. The earth has become like a complex food web where everyone and everything is connected.
One can be in his house in Lagos state Nigeria and viewing real time situations all over the world.

As much as globalization has tremendous benefits, one cannot deny its negative effects also. The range of these negative influences is so wide and so great that it causes our fathers to be scared for future generations.
Marital rights are now ceaselessly been by-passed as couples just want to go to court and get it done with. Even more pathetic now is the fact that one can get married in proxy with almost no consequence. It is almost no longer strange sight to find Nigerians who don’t know their roots. They were just told by their parents that they are from so and so village in so and so state which is usually not so far from them and yet they have never visited.

Africa has a strong value for family relationship and it is another strong area globalization has decayed and these days it is quite rampant to find family members who do not even know each other. The only place they ever meet and talk is on social media. Our children now have pornography on their fingertips and they are constantly becoming as unmannered and uncultured as western children who refer to their parents by their first names. It is not even strange to see a young person pass through a group of elders without greeting and when they do it is just to fulfill all righteousness and the fact is that they are like that because they have subconsciously been indoctrinated by this globalization nonsense.

Africans are Africans. Africans are respectful, moral, believing and strong. The westerners through technology especially has corrupted our culture and altered the mindset of the youths especially that we now so want to be like them and forget who we are.
Wives can’t even cook or wash for their husbands anymore because of feminism. This trend begins in the west and all of a sudden it is gradually invading the African culture. We must remember who we are as Africans. Check out our history and become as original and sane as we used to be instead being influenced so much by the western culture which is actually no culture.
The deterioration is evident and one must continually be concerned for future generations. Decay gets worse by the day until it is completely eradicated.
Before the African culture dies, lets become reasonable and Africans once again.

I’ll conclude this piece with what I began with “the cow is dying for a trip abroad, let it go. It will come back as corned beef”
Unless the situation is remedied we will always look back and call those days “the good old days”


nice information you have provided , i don't know about this, really good... ;-)


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