My 2018- This is My Hobby: Driving Motorcycle Classic Every Day

in #my20187 years ago

I tried to introduce myself, I'm @zaim4d1, I am a teacher come from Aceh, Indonesia.
Before I tried to write about my 2018-ini is Hobby I driving motorcycle classic every day, greeting respect and a thank-you to @anomadsoul and @blocktrades, you is the best. image
I just bought a motorcycle classic brand Honda that has been a long time I’m looking for find, because the motorcycle classic is I want to emulate the habit of the old man who likes to with this bike, for me is a hobby new to me because I want to drive with a classic that the existence of nearly extinct, so this bike I can preserve and can accompany me in every routine daily. image
Motorcycle aged 33 this year, really attract attention, especially the beginning of the beginning I bought it, when I first to school to work because I was a teacher, when at school, the teachers and the students I was cheering and clapping, and then said:this is kuri classic with classic motorcycle Honda CB and they were laughing.. hahahaha.In a year 2018 is the day of my day is a bit odd since the arrival of my heroes motorcycle classic, had been hobby me to drive a motorcycle classic because I want to follow the trail deceased my father as lovers motorcycle classic. With a hobby my new, I have many friends in the community, dilingkungan teachers and also in the community steemit, because I love with a motorcycle me and always waiting for mecoba driving and take pictures with a motorcycle classic. Motorcycle is my hobby as well as my hero in accompany aktifvitas me as a teacher and as a steemians.
I’m begging consideration and guidance from you @ anomadsoul because this is the first I follow the contest. My respects @ zaim4d1.


Jasa guru memang tak terbalas, guru ibarat bola lampu, bila bola lampu putus, maka murid meraba raba

someone's hobbies vary .... well sometimes it is strange, the hobby is fun even sometimes do not remember the time

This my hobby 2018 year..thanks @nurmalaalibasyah

For more steady use of casile bikes

Driving motorcycle classic my hobby news. Thanks @m4r200k1

Hobi yang sangat menarik, lon galak hobi guru lage nyan,

Tentu saja hobby yang menarik @muksalpasee

Luar biasa kawan

Terima kasih atas dukungannya kawan.

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