My2018 - This is my hobby: From Biologist to Mom

in #my20187 years ago (edited)

On this occasion I decided to undertake the adventure and answer the questions posed by the witty and witty friend @anomadsoul, hoping and wishing that many are the participations.

If you want to participate, here are the bases of the contest:

My2018 - This is my hobby

So let's start.

As many of you already know, my name is Luingrid Guerra, Venezuelan, 29 years old, single, biologist by profession and mother of a beautiful girl named Jeanne Paola, this small introduction is important in view of which is the fundamental basis to know and know my 2 biggest hobbies.

My passion as a young man was far from sports or activities other than studies, research and I always longed for new knowledge.

I dreamed of being a great scientist.

I felt a need to know and seek explanations for so many irrational facts that surround us, the Origin of Life, to study theories about the Creation of the planets (Big-Bam - Creationist) among others. There were also many doubts in me about various aspects that I did not know about.

I remember one day in the baccalaureate years having read a book that said something like:

"Life, from a bacteria"

Can a bacterium be responsible for the proliferation of life?

These kinds of questions led me to many more.

Are microorganisms good or bad?

Do they offer us benefits?

I always liked small organisms, I developed a fondness for the microorganisms that are part of the pathogenic and non-pathogenic flora of humans, those that reproduce and proliferate in food, water, air and soil.

It was so I arrived and discovered my great PASSION, I had the opportunity to study at one of the most important universities in my country, and graduate as Biologist from that beautiful house of studies 6 years after having admitted (March 27, 2006 - June 29, 2012)


Studying organisms was my fascination, I started with invertebrate, vertebrate, vascular and non-vascular, macroscopic and microscopic organisms, truly enchanted to discover and know types of abiotic and biotic lives, life cycles, the rate and form of reproduction, different types of feeding, the niches and habitats of the living beings with whom we share the Planet.


It was a completely wonderful world.

Making and establishing comparisons between organisms was fun, but the life lived behind the glass doors of a microbiology laboratory was better.

Devote a couple of years of my life and become part of a Microbiology Laboratory, I conducted studies and physical-chemical investigations and microbiologies in different samples of food, water and body fluids, I devoted myself to study the microscopic organisms that cause diseases.

Observing behind a microscope the movements and behavior of those little beings that we do not see with the naked eye, left me speechless.

I was really in love

I finally came to characterize and quantify the pathogenic organisms that were in the intestinal flora, in the genital areas, in the skin and mucous membranes, food, water, air and soil.

Base a large part of my studies and my time in trying to know in depth the microorganisms that cause the Foodborne Diseases and the possible implementation of essential oils of natural products for the inhibition of microbial growth, in search of contributing possible solutions to minimize the alarming figures of gastrointestinal diseases worldwide.


Always seek to demonstrate that microorganisms are not only harmful, there are some that offer benefits and provide particle characteristics to foods for human consumption, many others are used for fermentation, bread production, exquisite cheeses and even antibiotics with broad ranges of action.

I was passionate about using various kits, determining the presence of a pathogenic microorganism that was causing some clinical condition, studying the different ranges of antibiotics that could inhibit the growth of the microorganism in question and thus be able to alleviate the disease.

It was so fun and exciting that it was the intelligent and useful way I got to entertain myself for years, until life changed and took me to a more macroscopic and real plane.

After many years of symbiosis in a relationship with continuous mating, one of my eggs was fertilized and I became pregnant with the girl I mentioned in my little introduction.


At this stage of my life, I took off the white lab coat with which I felt so comfortable and put on the superhero costume making me a mom.

So go from Biologist - Microbiologist to Mom full time.

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It was time to face the different hormonal and corporal changes of that gestation, to study and accept the modifications of my way of life.

It was time to learn to know the different cries of my daughter, discover each of their phenotypic traits and genotypes and adapt to the behavior she presented.

I learned which medications are indicated for each condition and of course what is the correct dosage and form of administration.

I learned to wake up watching her dream, to laugh for her joys and to cry with her her woes.

I learned to run, to be patient, not to despair, to fight and never to fade.

Everything had stopped being In-Vitro

I continue being a Biologist at each visit to the doctor, in each stool and blood test, I continue to investigate to know the adverse reactions that my little girl will present with each vaccine and to study the characteristics and benefits of it.

I am critical and analytical at the time of feeding, I know and recognize the burden of microbiology that ingests when playing puts your hands in your mouth.

I am and will be for life Biologist - Microbiologist - Mom and I am happy to be.

Currently I am on track to achieve the balance between these two passions, I want to continue my studies, expand my knowledge, grow, mature and continuously learn as a biologist and as a mom, wishing to want to do both activities in a splendid, satisfying and fun way.



Nice post. Have an amazing day my friend @luingrid.guerra ◕ ‿ ◕✿

So Good! ;)

¡@luingrid.guerra! Muy bueno el contenido, sigue asi!

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