My2018-This is My Hobby: Drawing 'Manga' Make Something Fun With My Family

in #my20186 years ago (edited)

Let’s talk about hobby. When I was 3rd grade in elementary school, I really loved reading Japanesse Manga not only for killing the time, but I spent a lot of time to drowned inside of them. Everytime when I had leisure I read a comic. One of my favorite Manga is Kungfu Boy written by Takeshi Maekawa. I don’t know maybe my hobby begin on it. By often read a lot of comics, a view imagination make a magic by drawing a sketch. I found a pleasent inside of them, and it was kind luxury enjoyable at the first time I tried to draw ‘manga’.
manga 2.jpg

I left that activity since I meet my new world at the college. I fascinated in veterinary medical, spending time at laboratory, read about microbiology, and discuss something about science. In the other hand, my imagination flies away, sometimes I need take a break. I still think about draw ‘manga’. I never make something useful from them and never earn money too. It’s just hobby that flows like water. It turns descendend when I got married on 2005. This hobby was lost in my daily busyness. I enjoy being a mom and forget how to start drawing ‘manga’ till I find that my children really interested in art and I think they good enough in it. They show passion and talent in design, doodle, and drawing. I remember my self when I was child, eventhough my children don’t read comic often but they called by their imagination and I can see my childhood on my children’s eyes when they start drawing.

One of my son is dyslexic, he loves doodle art. Remind by my lovely children I start again from the beginning. It’s awkward enough to start again but I feel excited then. Now I think I feel better with this hobby and we spend a lot of papers to drawing sketch and enjoy these moments with my family.

my son's doodle art

My hobby is not expensive but so valuable for bonding between families. It's true that I'm not the lucky one who has a job about drawing ‘manga’. Here I am just an amateur about this, the kids were very fascinated when I started drawing and they said that the best picture in the world. “Cool, Mom! Proud of you!” they said. Even my youngest child said that my worst drawing made him chuckle awe. “Great, Mom!”, he yelled.

Sketsa manga 1 Photo from Syarifah Aini.jpg

sometimes I think I will seriously persue this hobby, but right now I have another job and it seems that ability has given immeasurable happiness for my children. It is more than enough for me today. the hobby also helps me in understanding the world of my children, to feel how the joys were flowing in our days.
With my first son (I often call him ‘sun’ because he made my days!) there's also a lot of fun as we walk to the bookstore or stationery, we both stop paying attention to the rows of stationery and pencil drawing. I do not remember exactly how many papers and pencils we've spent just to have fun with our hobbies. Even we often draw on used papers that we can reach at that time.

Photo from Syarifah Aini (1).jpg

tonight my son has just come home from a bookstore, he bought a sketchbook and some pencils to draw. maybe he will pursue his hobby someday, or he will just like me doing a hobby in my leisure only. sometimes we can find new hobbies as adults. Like a hobby of writing I've found recently. I feel it is more suitable for developing my imagination at my age. I am grateful to have a hobby like this, all so can have fun enjoying the day.


Oh well, this writing is half finished while I felt so sleepy and finally I slept as well and suddenly woke up look at the day was change. I hit a contest deadline it means I break a rule, but this is really enjoy to talk about hobby. I am dissaponted because I was late for join this interesting contest, but I think it’s okay to finish my writing because I already started.
Talk about hobby always make me excited. Now I feel so happy to talk about it with all the steemian around the world. Some community begin with the similiar hobbies, find a people with similiar passion make life more brightness and shiny, it will cheerful your life.

I do not join any community for doing my hobby but I usually share and have fun with all families member. I can not teach my children either because I’m not a professional in this major, I just amateur who learn by self-taugh, just keep trying again and again. I feel satisfied by doing my hobby with my children, when I see their smiles and cheerful on their faces, that is enough for me.

For me, hobby just for fun and when it is forced it will become something hard and unhappy. I agree you are lucky enough when you pick job a part of your hobby, of course... you have to keep your mind to always feel grateful because of that chance come to you.

I still enjoy doing this hobby with my children and companion them to have a courage to reach their dreams. To share kindness and hapiness with other people by having this kind of hobby, become a useful person to surrounding us. I sometimes display my children’s work on the wall to appreciate them. I can see their smile full of pride and keeping their spirit to make another work.

akib's doodle art.jpg

Once again, I hit the deadline to submit this post, so sadly... but I hope other steemians could read this just for fun and warm regard from me and family, thanks to @anomadsoul for held this kind of interesting contest, I’ll be waiting for another one and I’ll try to follow the rules well, I will not break the deadline to submit the post! Cheer!


Andai saja kakak tepat waktu ikut kontesnya pasti menang.

Duuh makasih @irma27 hadiah pagi yang menyenangkan dapat komen dari Irma isinya kayak begini.😍😘

anggota steemit ini kreatif-kreatif kali lah... satu orang aja banyak banget bisanya....seru yeeeaaayyyyyy #katarina

Yang zuper duper kreatif dan multitalenta itu kamu, Dhek. Ada masak apa? Mas Iko lapar.

Wah hrs belajar byk sama kak @dyslexicmom nih

Ayoook kita ketemuan. Kakak belajar buat pola step by step...

Di buruan tp ya kak :D

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