My 2018 - This is my Hobby: Dancing

in #my20186 years ago (edited)


Image of the author: @chrisrendon

I decided to join the contest of @anomadsoul because it seemed an interesting challenge to explain to all my readers my passion for dancing. Well more than a challenge is a very beautiful and very personal story that I want to share with you. Before starting to tell you about me, if you want to join this contest you can do so by following the rules in this publication link and do not forget to vote for @blocktrades as witness on this page here


I feel alive dancing!

Now, before becoming a mother, long before becoming a social communicator, before becoming a student, daughter, worker, I always have been a dancer girl. My passion for dancing started almost from my mother's womb, it is said that the rhythm is carried in the blood, but in my case it is exaggeratedly true.

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Dance classes. Author of the image: @chrisrendon

When I was little, my third word was not water, nor food, nor boob, it was "USASA" (música in spanish and music in english), according to my mom the music calmed me down, it calmed me down, but above all, it distracted me. Nobody in my family liked to dance, I really, I have no idea where that talent comes from.

Music since childhood was something felt ran through my veins and reached my brain, segregating I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THING that made my feet automatically move. One of the key memories of when I was a girl is to dance; I danced at parties and not on the dance floor with someone, I DANCED ALONE, because I liked to move, I liked to go to the rhythm, time and beat of the music.

Dancing became very important in my life from an early age, something that can not be missed, like water for the thirsty, something key and vital to carry my day to day.

In the school when all students and Me did theater plays, I played the role of a dancer, and out of school, when I did dance contests I also danced, at that time I was only 4 years old. The people who included me in those activities noticed something in me when dancing, something different, that I could not see or understand at that age, only that as I liked to dance I did it, it was moments of laughter and fun.

“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain.” Vivian Greene

Little by little, as I grew up, I realized dancing was something more than recreating myself, it became my way of thinking, forgetting, planning, of seeing things, but above all of improving as a person. Every day I put new challenges, danced meringue, salsa, pop, and other things and other things at that moment sounded, I'm talking about the '80s and '90s, Michael Jackson, Backstreet Boys, Shakira, Britney Spears, among others; How did you dance those songs? Do not ask, just invent the steps and do them.

Later, I wanted to specialize in some dance, whatever, but I'll like it. I thought about tap, hip hop, flamenco (I took a couple of classes), and Arab dance, so between my indecision (because I liked them all) there was one that set the tone for a story. One day on the way to work a friend began to talk to me as She had learned Arab dance, at the time she did not know that I was waiting for some sign that convinced me that this was my style of dance.

She told me the story of the 7 veils, how the goddess of love Ishtar, shed all of them to find her true love. A story beyond death. When Tammuz died, Ishtar died of pain, She went down to the underworld to be reunited with him, but she had to take off her veils and with each of them she was losing his powers: with blue she lost her will, with the yellow the ego, with the red her mind, with the orange her sexual activity, with the green the illumination, with the purple the magic and with the lilac the divinity, at the end of the legend, Tammuz and Ishtar were happily reunited thus creating the history of the origin of the seasons ( if you want to read more about this story you can do it by entering this link).

After I heard this story I had the goal of learning Arabic dance. This style of dance has many fun elements, and in addition to this it helps you to create new friendships and free yourself from stress. For me it was very rewarding, during my two years of study.

Later I got pregnant and obviously I did not give up my hobbie, I danced in my room or in the living room, I even taught dance classes. I teach my daughter to discover her true love for dance, I know that she has it too, and if she likes I will support her until the end. On the other hand I discovered it a long, long time ago, it has become my way of life, so much so when I take a bath I take my cell phone and dance in the shower, hahahahahaa =), and yes, this part is true.

@anomadsoul in his post did a funny question: If I had to explain this hobby to an alien, how would you do it? Simple, just put some speakers with music, take his hands or tentacles (or whatever The Alien has), close his eyes, and said: Feel it, beyond your feet, your hands, your arms, feel the emotion, that beat of the heart when you hear a song, that reflection of moving your feet, that, what it's called "Dancing", and it's what makes me feel happy and uneasy, what i'm passionate about, that's my true self.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.png

Author of the image: @chrisrendon Using the designs of

For a moment I would like to see the future, and see how my children learned to dance, how they have fun, and they know, that in every music sounds there I will be with them.

That's how I feel about my hobby, something like if I'm going to miss it I could not breathe, because long before I am, I was a dancer and it's something that is part of me being.

Obviously my hobbie is not at all expensive, I dance anywhere, in my room, in the living room, in the kitchen, but when I want to be surrounded by people who share the same hobby as me, I go to the gym or to dance therapy. Currently my children and my husband are first (obvious), but I can not get away from that part, it is very difficult, I keep learning new steps every day, new rhythms, I like to move forward ...and create...

I am so fond of dance that when I do not, I watch programs like Dance Mom, or musicals like Step Up 1,2,3,4, the return of Step Up, Step Up and the attack of the clones, Step Up and the Relics of Death, not, it´s a joke, it's an exaggeration, but that's how I feel, I like the dancing movies. Definitely I think it's an obsession, but it's just that I get excited when I see choreography so perfect and clean, the steps so synchronized, my face changes when it comes to dancing, my laugh comes naturally, I think Constanze Mozart was right when He said "Dancing is like dreaming with your feet", and it takes me far beyond dreaming, it leads me to imagine and draw beautiful memories about my life.


Image of the author: @chrisrendon


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Dancing is just the best form of moving, kinda feel like doing it right now! :)

Thank you for joining the contest, the winners will be announced in a few days.

With love @anomadsoul & @eveuncovered

Thank you!!!!Kisses!


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