My Personal 2017 Top 5 Posts Contest and Challenge hosted by @rocking-dave.

in #my2017top57 years ago (edited)

Contest and Challenge hosted by @rocking-dave.

Pick your 5 best posts, the ones you are most proud of, happy about, your best ones...and it has nothing to do with how much your post made.

To participate in the challenge make a post about it, use the tag #my2017top5 and nominate 5 other Steemians to participate - people that you know have high quality content and would be happy to revisit their posts.

Here's what you need to do to enter:

  1. Make a #my2017top5 post with your 5 best posts of 2017.
  2. Upvote this post.
  3. Resteem this post.
  4. Make a comment here with a link to your post.
  5. Your post must include 5 nominations.

My Personal 2017 Top 5

I was introduced to Steemit by my son the end of June 2017. I was kind of slow to really get my feet wet. I know that I have only a short time here, but I have 5 posts from my first six months on the platform that I'm happy with and I hope people would enjoy reading or rereading.

So here goes:

1. 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: My Shoe Got Stuck In The Mud


I remember, oh so vividly, the day that that my shoe got stuck in the mud.

My Dad, my uncle and me had gone to my Grandpa's farm to cut down a Christmas tree. It had been cold and snowy in the days before, but today the temperatures were a bit above freezing and things were a bit mucky in the barnyard.

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2. Freewrite – You’re Still Alive But I Mourn Your Loss

Baby on brown couch.jpg

Toni, short for Antoinette, was sitting at home nursing little Katie and watching Joey playing with his Duplo blocks in front of the Christmas tree. She had been waiting all day for Serge to return from his errands.

He had left their tiny house really early. Said he’d only be a few hours. Breakfast was left cold on the table. Lunch had come and gone and now dinner was becoming a dried up plate of uneaten food sitting on the kitchen counter.

[Read Full Post]!

3. Tsunami Alert! Panic time on the homestead!

Tsunami wave.jpg

When you homestead on the Pacific Ring of Fire, you expect and prepare for the occurrence of natural disasters. It comes with the territory.

There is always a chance of the nearest volcano erupting causing evacuation due to drifting ash cloud. We live approximately 40 km from an active volcano, one of 9 in the country. Far enough away we would hope from any potential lava flow.

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4. Air-Clinic Writing Contest #1 Cancer A Dangerous Scourge


Cancer. The scourge of the modern world. It has wound its tentacles around many people. This insidious disease is indiscriminate. It knows no bounds. It attacks all races, creeds and age groups. No one is immune to its deadly embrace. You would be hard pressed to find anyone whose life has not been touched by cancer. Many people have valiantly fought but have lost the battle.

[Read Full Post]

5. A day in the Life of @cecicastor

bird eating papya.jpeg

Good morning folks! I thought now that the holidays are over (for me at least), I should get of my derrière an get some work done. So today, I invite you to spend a day with me on the topical homestead of Quinta David. Be forewarned, my days are long…

It’s 3 am and I awake to the sound of the surf pounding on the shore. The ocean is wild and woolly this morning. Tide is in. I get dressed quickly this morning. It’s cold in the house. Mistake. I looked at the thermometer, only 18 degrees Celsius! No wonder I feel cold.

[Read Full Post]

I nominate the following to pick up the torch and pass it on!

  1. @goldenarms
  2. @bluerthangreen
  3. @doghaus
  4. @perceptualflaws
  5. @fishyculture

Hey @cecicastor,
Thank you for nominating @air-clinic and the Cancer Contest Writeup. We appreciate dear! Cheers!

You are welcome.

Best of luck to you in this contest... from @mayliberty.
Five very good reads...

I'm sad because I read it only friend @cecicastor .. I didn't know you had much...
becouse i'm sure it is very nice

Thank for reading the one. More will be coming...

Agree with the shoe in the mud story as number 1. The story rocks!

Hi mam, you're such a great writer... :-) love all those, mam :-) <3 God bless :-)

So nice reading your older posts @cecicastor, wow up at 3am and to bed at midnight, tell me your secret, how do you manage that or was it once off? Gorgeous figs...looks yummy, figs don't grow here in our region, can get it in other provinces though.
Very nice selection of posts :)

Thank you. Regular days start at 3 am. Most days I am dead on my feet by 9 pm. So I crash then. Some days I can catch a bit of a siesta. No real daily routine on the homestead.

Thank you for joining in the fun! :)

I love discovering your old works like this. I have to admit, I really like the first story about the shoe that got stuck in the mud.

Somehow, I was not following you (I was,but I do not know what happened) and so I missed some of these!

So I am back following! Yay! Good luck in the contest!

I have noticed that a few people I follow were no longer in my feed too. I went back and retagged them as being followed. Not sure what has happened and if others are experiencing this too. Thanks for following me.

What a great idea!
I didn't see this until today. Gotta keep up with all the new posts every day, every hour. LOVE that photo of the bird eating the lemons!

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