My most awe-inspiring posts of 2017: A challenge by @rocking-dave

in #my2017top7 years ago (edited)

First off, a thousand thanks to rocking-dave for the challenge; a wonderful idea from a super-star steemian, so considerate as to even include a template in the challenge post. What can I say? The age of chivalry is not dead!

Choosing five posts from my blog, chock-full of masterpieces, was certainly a challenge. I mean, how does one choose just 5, when each is equally undeserving? After much deliberation I decided to include the posts I most enjoyed writing, which are:

INHUMAN, A story in 50 words


But mum, said the infant, why do they stand gawping at us? Don't they know that it's not polite to stare? I have spent my life behind these bars pondering that same question said his mother. I guess it's because they are human. Barbarism and cruelty are in their nature.


I found this little piece of advice in an article many years ago entitled ‘Things my mother should have told me’ It goes something like: Treat everything as a compliment unless the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming’ Not a bad little maxim to keep in mind these days when everyone seems so easily triggered by any little thing, clamouring to take unmeant offence.

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'She loves me, she loves me not', he repeated as if chanting some ancient mantra, his voice keeping rhythm with his heavy footsteps as he made his way up the hill towards the edge of the cliff, locally known as jumper's cliff in recognition of the number of sorry souls who had chosen it for their final exit.
On he strode, left she loves me, right she loves me not. She was his love, his everything, his reason for living, without her he was nothing. How could he go on? How could she have betrayed him so? How? She loves me she loves me not. Tears filled his eyes and he swiped at them as they threatened to overflow. If my right foot hits the edge first he resolved, I'll do it !

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I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying 'your health is your wealth' or maybe 'health isn’t everything but without it everything is nothing'; well take it from one who knows, good health is one of those things that you don’t really notice until you lose it.

If you’re under 50 I’ve probably lost you already but hey, wait a second….there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that many of the neuro -degenerative diseases of old age, such as Alzheimers, may be triggered by our much earlier diet and lifestyle choices, beginning decades before any symptoms develop.

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I’ve always had an awkward relationship with food. According to my mother, even as a small child, I would throw my bottle out of the cot and wail when she tried to feed me. If my older brother is to be believed, she frequently put whiskey in said bottle to keep me quiet, so perhaps it is not surprising that I was reluctant to entertain it.

Growing up I lived mostly on bread; bread with butter, bread with sugar, bread with jam, toasted bread.....and Jersey milk, a bottle a day prescribed by the doctor when twice my mother presented me, afraid I was too skinny.

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This post is a response to the challenge by @rocking-dave in which you owe yourself to take part. Come on! Even if, like myself, you don't enter the contest, take the challenge. You know you want to.


I'm glad you decided to make a post for the challenge! I'm sure your posts are awesome and I'm going to check them all out again. You might want to add a 5 in the #my2017top5 tag ;)

Damn, I'm such a numbskull. Thanks, tag amended.
Of course I made a post for your challenge. I knew you'd be a gentleman and let me off with the nomination thing.
There were 2 of your top 5 I hadn't read and a load of other people's stuff I hadn't seen either. Again, great initiative, evidenced by the reaction you're getting to it.

Oh, typos are pretty much the easiest thing to do, especially with such a numbery tag (I might have not thought this through).

If you view something as a contest, then the organizer might have some mandate to try and dictate or at least disqualify. If you view it as a challenge, it's all just a suggestion really.

Thank you for looking through my top 5, I was really wondering what to include and what to disqualify.

Turns out I remember all of your top 5 well. While numbers 2 to 5 have been quite recent, I remembered that Inhuman hit me pretty hard when I first read it.

I was a bit divided about doing something like this. It got a bigger reaction than expected, but I'm not sure I'm going to do something like that again ;)

Hahaha, you are a victim of your own success. Good luck judging that lot.

Oh thanks! Luckily I was kind of organized from the start so I have some running standings and all. And partially objective scoring criteria...

You finally did yours. Amazing posts!

Dunno what you mean by 'finally' kid, it only took me 2 days!!

good morning. this is today prompt. Let me know if you are not up for visiting today :)

It's all good Marianne. I am on the job!

thank you so much for visiting all the Stetson writers. I need to tank up my voting power and will be back with a 100% vote for you tomorrow :)

I love doing it Marianne. It's great fun and a fine way to meet new people.......and please don't worry about giving me a vote.......many of the other freewriters have already done that for you.

You are so sweet!! Are you on discord? Some of the freewrite encouragers want to explore an idea via private message.

Sorry Marianne, I'm not. I'll head over and join.

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