My 2017: Achievements and Failures

in #my20177 years ago (edited)

Dear friends,

Reading a post of @alexvan, I found about an interesting challenge initiated by @anomadsoul. In the first task of the challenge, people are required to have a retrospective of the year 2017 and talk about their achievements and failures. I find this extremely interesting, as we are fast moving towards a new year.


My Achievements:

  • Two memorable events: One of my targets for 2017 was to take part of two memorable events, something that is worth remembering about the years. My two memorable events took shape in form of two amazing vacations. My first vacation I took in March, and I spend three beautiful weeks on the west coast, in California, Nevada and Arizona. The second vacation I had in July, and I spent two weeks in France: spending great time in Paris and on the Loire Valley.

  • Financial Success: In December 2016, I set a challenging target for my personal wealth, a target which I easily overachieved.

  • Traveling to new places: Traveling is an important aspect for my mental health. I enjoy traveling, exploring new places, meeting new people, learning about local communities. In this aspect, 2017 was a successful year. I manage to visit two cities in my home country that I planned to see for a long time (Iasi and Cluj), and I visited six countries (Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Belgium, United States). During my trips, I made new friends, and I met a gorgeous woman that I use to call my sweetheart.

My Failures:

  • Too little time with family: Unfortunate, despite the fact that me and my sister are living in the same city, we find little time to spend together. Life is very busy, and we are always running after . Unfortunate, the same is valid for the time I manage to spend with my parents.

  • Sport: I started the years with good plans to break my personal running records. Unfortunate, in January I found that I have an tumor on my left ankle. Surgery was successful, recovery was very fast, but I'm well behind with my running targets.

  • Personal development: My current businesses takes me too much time with operational topics, and unfortunate, too less time is left for my personal development program. I started the year with a clear image of what I want to achieve, but my progress is very limited.

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