My 2017: Achievements and Failures - "Great Achievements are usually born from great failures" ~by Napoleon Hill

in #my20177 years ago

This year has been a great lesson for me. The worst lesson I learned that the next year is going to be tougher.

Anyway, this is an entry for @anomadsoul's "My 2017" Contest.

If you want to join his contest, click below.

My 2017 Contest

I am going to tell you guys about my achievements and failures of this year.

Let me start,


January month always has been the month for my #EVEN(2,4,6,.....) Semester Exam for the last 3 year.
So, it always starts with tension.
This January was not different either. I had to keep studying for the 5 exams to bring in a great CGPA.
And luckily, My hardwork was paid off. I got 3.68 CGPA out of 4.

Not a bad CGPA from an Army University, If I have to say.
So, If the CGPA counts as an achievement, then yeah ! I achieved it.


After the semester exam, we get weekends. Then by the first or second week, the class starts again.

To be honest, I hate this month because of some days like Rose day, Teddy day, Valentines day etc.

You have already figured me out. Haven't you ?

Yeah. I am single.
It's not that I am a gay or something. It's just that the person I love still has her heart closed up.
Until I get her to become mine, February month will always be nuisance to me.

You can call it my failure to make someone understand how much I love her.


This month is perfect for a tour or hiking.
So, me and my friends always try for a hike in the mountain.
This year, we went to visit the tallest mountain "Keokaradong".
Here are some pics of our hike.


Also, after we came back from our hike, we needed to attend the classes properly.
That's how my March ended.
Another achievement for my hiking diary.


This month is a boring one. I got sick and that sickness lasted this month full.
Other than that,don't have any mentionable failures or achievements in this month.


In this month, we always get preparatory leave as 2 weeks weekend.
So, I always visit my family.
This year, I bought my mother our traditional dress called "Sharee". She loved it.
This is the first time I have ever given such a huge gift to my Mother.
I also bought a Xiaomi Android phone and gifted it to my Father and a T-shirt gift to my little brother.

This is a huge achievement to me for myself.


Damn !!! Semester exam time !!! zzzzz
I had to study hard again.
Due to sickness, I had a month gap in my learnings.
So, I had to try and recover them too.

First two exams I attended was the worst as I caught fever and cold while giving the exam.
I was hardly able to pull myself up.
The other 4 exams, I managed to ace them.

Anyway, this month ended with the completion of the exams.


After the exams ended, we got 3 weeks weekend.
I went to stay with my family.
In those 3 weeks, I was invited to play in a Computer Gaming contest that hosted Counter Strike, Dota 2 and NFS : MW and it was hosted by Gigabyte.
Truth be told, the place where it was hosted was the worst.
I was invited in a team consisting 4 professional players of "Counter Strike" as I used to a pro myself in our Division.

The most happy moment was when we actually won the tournament.
Here are some pics of our tournament.


Here is our Winning team + Runner's up team


That was one of my most memorable achievements this year.


One more tour this year, that's what me and my friends planned. And we acted accordingly.
Decided place was our Country's popular beach "Cox's Bazar".

Here are few pics of us.


Unfortunately, we had our tour planned in a official weekend where people from around the world comes to visit the beach. That's why the place was crowded.

One more successful tour achievement in my list :D


Yay !! My Birthday and also many University friend's birthday.
Had a great time.
This years birthday was the first time I had invited so many people. Like 30 people.
I always invited at most 10 friends until then.

And then, many other friend had birthdays on this month. 4,10,16,18,26 October.
So, in short, this month was the best one of all.

Last 2 years, On this month, I attended 2 birthdays.
But this year, as I met with new people, I was able to make new friends.
And thus more birthdays to attend :D


This month was one of the worst months of my life.

First, one of my best friends came back to our city after 4 years.
We spent few days until his departure with great joy and entertainment.

One day, I was suggested that I should confess my feelings to the girl I am in love with.
I thought about that suggestion overnight and came to a conclusion that I should really do that.

Took a great measure for that purpose, like preparing myself for the best and mainly the worst.
I decided on a date where we could meet.

That day, I probably picked my best look with a shirt and a jean.
She wore a Blue dress. It suited her greatly.
More of all, blue was my favorite color.

We sat in a restaurant and started talking.
From simple talk to the main talk.

I confessed.
But sadly, she declined.
She said she is not ready for another relationship yet. [ She broke up last year]

I expected that answer. I was ready for that answer and the pain that will come with it.

But it was hardly enough.
Never though that it would hurt so much inside.

Although she did mention that she is not ready yet, it hurt really bad.

I have no idea how I gave a plain smile after hearing her declination.
After that, we had a small chat, we drank Chocolate Coffee and ate burger.
And we went our separate ways.

Failure to get my love

As my title says,
"Great Achievements are usually born from great failures" ~by Napoleon Hill

This line gives me hope.
She said she wasn't ready yet. So, that means, I still have a chance.
I am not going to let this chance slip.

Wish me luck for the next time. :)
Here is sketch of her by me.



This month is a busy one.
Classes, projects, Class tests, Lab Finals, etc. This month is full of them.
And it hasn't ended yet either.


Nice photos you have there...followed you.

Thank you :)
You were in my follow list from the beginning though :D

Do you have a daughter ? If yes, Is she on Steemit ?
If yes, then probably you were in my follow list after you posted about your daughter joining Steemit.

Or maybe I am mistaking you with someone else.

If the questions offended you, feel free to flag me. I deserve that :D

Wow! Huge post. But November one is sad.

That was a made up story :D
Nothing of that sort happened after

One day, I was suggested that I should confess my feelings to the girl I am in love with.
I thought about that suggestion overnight and came to a conclusion that I should really do that.

I didn't have the courage to ask her out :D

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