My 2017: Achievements and Failures (Contest by @anomadsoul - my entry)

in #my20177 years ago

I came across @anomadsoul’s My2017 contest today, and I think it’s a great way to reflect about the year that is almost over. You can check out the post here

My achievements in 2017

My single greatest achievement this year, if I can call it an achievement, has to be the birth of my daughter, Aliyah. There is nothing else that can compare. No amount of money or career achievement can compare with seeing the smile on her face. Instead of achievement, blessing is perhaps a more adequate word to describe the birth of my daughter.


My failures in 2017

This year, I had 3 people very close to me suddenly pass away; a friend in her 30s, a colleague in her 40s and an aunt in her 50s. It has really shaken me and woken me up to the fragility of our lives, and the fact that any moment can be our last in its present form. It has made me want to treasure those around me more, and invest more time into building relationships. So I feel that my greatest failure this year is the failure to spend enough quality time with family and friends, and not investing more into my relationships.

Thanks again to @anomadsoul for the contest and giving me the opportunity to reflect on my year. Look forward to the following weeks’ challenges.



Thanks fot the great reminder to cherish friends and family. Aliyah is so cute

having a kid is really one of the best blessings that we can received from the Lord.

We may have the regrets of not spending time with other people that are somehow closed to us. I can also relate on that when my close friends, mentor and relatives passed away. I told myself that I should really make time for the others who are still here.

i hope you have an even amazing year coming up all the best stay blessed :)

Hmmm niceee.... Best of luck for Next coming year.
I am new at steemit so support me ,i shall be thanks ful to you.

Great baby picture

Life is full of ups and downs but that's what it is :)

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