My 2017: Achievements and Failures

in #my20177 years ago

My name is Maxie Moses and I am an Architect as you must have Noticed.


Life is most times as we know it, is not a bed of roses, and history will always repeat itself but many will never learn. With each second that ticks we can agree that we are left off with experiences: some sad ones, some not too nice, others beaming with elegance and ecstasy, leaving us with a sweet or sour taste depending on how things slide around the circumference of events.


For me 2017 has left me with scars and marks that became darker and darker leaving memories and history making footprints in my mind over the process of time.

 I kicked off the year with high hopes and prospects; I had a clear vision of the year’s steaming ambitions. But prior to the birth of the New Year my country just nose dived in a massive landslide of recession, inflation rate sky-rocketed, then ponzi schemes emerged as the best way to escape the sequence of happening in and around the pending free fall.

With my involvement in the scheme there tend to be a turn in the tide of Events. The scheme promised 30%, some 40% and other even as much as 100% interest on capital investment over a period of one month and they actually made good on their promise. That was a high point in my life. Payment where coming, reinvestment were made, it became a way to surge out of financial distress. This didn't come without financial forecasters giving warning and making writings on the wall, but many still failed to understand and overstand the handwriting on the wall until their back is up against that wall. 

Before long my appetite grew fat and naturally with that surging addiction for huge interest on capital, I had to feed it, and that was where trouble struck. I invested all of my savings hoping to break the bank big time setting an all time record  but I was left heartbroken, shattered and batter when ponzi scheme collapse, I lost all plus more: both financially and emotionally. 

depression did set in. Oh how did we come here with everything and leave with nothing, leaving hopes dashed on the floor, eating from hand to mouth as we say in our country when you’re struck by financial distress….. Jezzzzz.

I had no choice but to pick myself up from where I left off hoping that I could make a right decision. I expected to get a call for a design from any prospective client, what a way of life, when the only plan you have left is to live by uncertainties. Sure the call came and I had to leverage on it. Bills had piled up and debt where there to be paid and so before I knew it the funds came crashing down leaving me at square zero. The recession deepened and life became unfriendly, I was only hoping that my phone would ring yet again with a ray of hope. And one day I got a call for design job from a friend and the fee was extremely low but on execution of that job

Another job came and yet another

and the tide turned and the sequence change until I was struck by a power bomb from friendly fire. You would wish I had you told.

I had just came home from the day’s activity when I got a call from different  member of family introducing a business line to me and which my brother has been invested at the time. And from my best viewpoints he was pretty successful in the process of  his dealings in is business, he needed more funds to expand his capital base to meet up a pending clients/customers demand and he relayed  this to me through many member of family, persuasively he actually wanted me to lend him the funds for his strides to strive forward but I already knew his antecedence with happenings similar to this kind of events but due to the pressure: family was pushing, friends where pulling me to his favor I succumbed to his demands.

It was a calculated risk I had to stake on. I had made up my mind and I followed through and made the funds available to him and immediately as the young man got the cash, the viper showed his venom and true color. how sick it made me. It occurred to me that a leopard can never change his color. And how foolish was it to me to learn from experience, I mean such a bad experience.

Have you felt so sick to the point where you were unable eat or sleep and the only thing you could feel is your rising temperature burning down your brain cells?. 

He wouldn't take calls from family members or friends, it was such a sick sight that a cold tortoise had over night turn in to a tiger in time. How I hate to say I was a victim of friendly fire. 

After a couple of weeks he came back with cock and bull stories, from a plane crash to boat mishap and flying dove to speaking donkeys stories upon stories the money went down the drain.

As times went by and nights by, I got an sms calling me for a job interview in Lagos, a city in the south-west region of the country which I went for and was subsequently assign to resume on the 1st of August but just as we were preparing to resume the Chairman of the company fell ill and needed a surgery to correct his medical defect. That was where trouble struck again, he went overseas and took some time to recover and in the process of time leading to his recovery he and the company lost the contract and we were left desolate with my hopes tumbling down. 

And yet again I did another application and was invited to attend the subsequent interview in Lagos and was successful and on returning from the interview I was robbed of my phones and all my belongings and I had to leave the city.  


Life for me this year was full of down times and only prayer and perseverance kept me going.

  •  But just as I was about to lose hope and accept status quo, I received a call up to attend an aptitude test for a government job I applied for, a year ago.  I did the test and was called for the interview in Enugu a city in the south-eastern region of my country which I also attended and prospectively I have large hopes invested in the process. 

    • During the process I met this sweet spirited lady who also came for the interview as well, and I really liked her so very much, she tend to be mild mannered and soft spoken, a girl many men would love to wish or kill for.

      We started talking and the talk went far, friendship or relationship shot itself to the roof and right now, I have sank neck deep in love with her and the rest, is a story I know many will love to hear, but sorry I wish to be economical with it at least for now. Up until now I believe you can’t imagine this year’s hustle brought this beauty my way? A lady as sleek and sweet as candy who always has my heart to melt.


      •  While I was at the interview in the south-east city, I received a call from a company that I had previously attended their test in my city (located in the south-south). They called to let me know that I was successful and should come to pick up the appointment letter and that I should immediately. Though the offer may not be the exact offer I would have bargain for, it has helped me remove my eyes from recent hick-up and failures that occupied my recent history in #My2017

      • Recently I received an e-mail which was sequential to an application I made on the federal government website for an annual training exercise conducted by the government in collaboration with HUAWEI a telecoms giant on ICT and different software. It denoted that my application has been granted approval and I was due for the training which would commence on the 18th of December to the 22nd of December.

        And prospectively, I am looking for towards attending the training exercise which comes with a bit more incentive than there is to meet the eye from the series of information I have gathered.

      • I also made strides in my design development by learning a new design software (sketch-up) to open up my design flexibility and versatility making myself more relevant in design.

        •  I am also in the process of learning how to steem. I was introduced to this website ( by an extremely close friend of mine who have follow me through the sequence of happening @sbamsoneu,  who is making it big with monetization policy of the network. Much of which had me attracted to the network, but over the period I have been on the platform,  I have at least read a bit about everything; I have also made a few friends, though I am yet to benefit from monetization policy. I believe over the process of time with the "expect nothing" mind frame propagated on the site. The bonus might come as a bonanza that might crest the year. I believe it is not over until I win: I still have at least one more ace to play so, I am still gaming till the year fizzles off.

        Source : 1 2 3 4 

        The rest of the images were gotten from my phone. 


    Enjoy ur future phone coming on d way... 😂

    you can say that again

    u will love it @originalworks

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