My 2017: Achievements and Failures (Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn!)

in #my20177 years ago (edited)


I would really like to thank @anomadsoul for coming up with such a wonderful contest that could be participated by everyone. Truly Steemit is a venue for everyone. Anyway, this is my entry for #my2017.

After recording this video, I realized that there are more achievements than failure. I could not help but cry on how graceful the heavens to me for this year.

Life would always be full of ups and downs. It is designed in a way to make us stronger and more resilient in facing life. In the video I made, I shared the things that marked me and made me who I am today.

I would just like to point out that regardless of the amount of my failures and achievements in life, I would not be shattered. I will still hold on to the beauty of the promises in life. I was never perfect to begin with so no matter how hard I try, my decisions would always have trade-offs.

I am also fully aware that in this life, I am the captain of my ship. I do not need to resist the course of life but rather go with the flow.

Achievements and Failures Co-exist

  1. Leaving my job in the government and finding what I really want to be is hard. No matter how monotonous my job has been, it has always been the relationship with the people around me that kept me from trying to wake up early for work.



Aside from my workmates, I was so inspired in serving different stakeholders around the region. The transactions I finished had been my small wins. And very friendship I had made with these people, is worth remembering. I would like to say that no matter small it may seem, I take pride in delivering front line services efficiently to the public.

It is just saddening (like I have said), that the everyday stress worn me out. It took toll on my healthy, and in return my *health failed me. * I wanted to reiterate from the video that I got so sick and I wanted out. I failed to keep my promise to my parents that I would continue to render service in public.

  1. An opportunity came but I backed down
    I wanted to reiterate from the video that I kept finding ways for me to leave the Bureau without my parents getting mad at me. Teach for the Philippinee had been my getaway. It is a prestigious nongovernmental organization which has been funded by different big companies such as HSBC and Coca-Cola Femsa. They hire qualified young leaders to teach to different public schools for quality education. I thought to myself then that it is not a get away for me but rather a chance to grow.

Along the way, I met wonderful and unique individuals who are from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.


We had been together for weeks during the training, but it was depression who made me decide to leave the cohort. I did not only feel sadness from being away from my parents, but I really felt being so depressed. It was taking toll on my mental health that is why I decided to leave even though my mom was so against it at first.

The evening before I left, I really cried so hard. They made a presentation just for me and even handed me letters. I miss them terribly but I could not fathom being miserable without ny family around me because I am so sure I would be assigned far away from them.


These are the lovely mailboxes we designed during our stay at Quezon City. Below then are some of the letters they made for me. Guess which one is mine! Haha!

This letter is from Suzette. She has been my roommate during our Summer Institute in Quezon City near St. Paul's. I miss this little girl.





I could not help but cry with the opportunity that I ran away from, but I could not also imagine myself from suffering too much depression.

Aside from the learnings during the Summer Institute, I am just happy I made friends. I was able to travel from Region 10 to National Capital Region to Region 1.

Opening Up to your parents is also an achievement

When I went home, I saw how disappointed my dad was to me. I felt bad for myself because I failed him. I even failed him more when I left other work opportunities pass because I do not intend to work away from them.

It was a Thursday fellowship when I shared a testimony to them. I opened up how long I had been suffering from depression. My parents embraced me then and it was the first time I felt such warmth.

Few months, I decided that I wanted to travel and reach out people. I was able to do more community works with my parents before we left our church and decided to make a small house church. I was able to send a lot of my unused clothes to different tribal members to a community in Bukidnon.


It was scary at first because we had a lot of what ifs, but I was also excited at the same time. Through our house church, we were able help more people instead.

I can also say I have achieved a lot by travelling to different places alone and met new friends. I was not afraid to get dirty and get lost.


This year, I was able to travel to places as well because of the organization that I serve which aims to educate the youth about thr importance of youth involvement innthe community. It was a privilege that for this year, I served as the Director of Research and Planning Committee in our chapter.


I would just like to say that our achievements and failures do not fully define who we are. These are just product of the decisions we made in the past days, weeks, months, or even years.

Life would always be full of ups and downs. It is designed in a way to make us stronger and more resilient. In the video I made, I shared the things that marked me and made me who I am today.

I would just like to point out that regardless of the amount of my failures and achievements in life, I would not be shattered. I will still hold on to the beauty of the promises in life. I was never perfect to begin with so no matter how hard I try, my decisions would always have trade-offs. Also, it had always been relationship which matters to me the most.

I am also fully aware that in this life, I am the captain of my ship. I do not need to resist the course of life but rather go with the flow.

Lastly, I would just like to say that our achievements and failures do not fully define who we are. These are just product of the decisions we made in the past days, weeks, months, or even years.

Please feel free to join this contest. I resteemed the post by the way.


Hello @gailbelga reading your posts made me know you better. I admire the achievements that you've done and being able to serve the community. Ive always thought big and dreamed big including things that you've done. I admire you deeply.
Depression is a very difficult enemy. I've seen that destroy families and relationships but depression didn't stop you always remember that. Thanks for sharing. :)

Thank you so much. 👯 In this life, I have realized that my enemy is not myself but it is depression instead.

I would just like to point out that regardless of the amount of my failures and achievements in life, I would not be shattered.

I love this one sis. God bless us on our journey for 2018.

God bless us ma'am 💃

wishing you to be healthier in 2018 sis. looks like serving is really your calling, hindi man sa government but still, you are able to serve and do community works. ❤

Thank you sis for the support. Looking forward to serve more people in 2018. 😉

yes! always fight! and good luck in this contest. :)

Thank you so much for your support sir. Aja 2018!

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