in #my20177 years ago (edited)

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Yeah, people will think the year is not yet over, so why write something like this???.

Well I am writing this article for a contest put up by @anomadsoul (what prompted me though) and am also writing it to help me have a recap and an overview of what have been able to do in the past months of this year and what I planned doing that I could not do.

As we all know that life is filled with so many ups and downs, we all have times when we fall and we all have time to rise; there is time for everything. No man on earth can say he has never achieved anything good, likewise no man can say he has never failed. We all have our trying times and good times too. The way we manage each of this moments most especially, the times we m fail is what makes us an achiever.

Let me begin with my achievements in the year 2017.

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do

A quote by pele

The greatest thing you can ever achieve in life is to MAKE SOMEONE AN ACHIEVER. And this is what will make me mention my first achievement

  1. I was able to help a friend achieve his goal: you might be wondering how I made this possible, well it's all thanks to God who enlightened me. This friend of mine has a dream to becoming a singer, I am not musically inclined but I was able to assist this friend of mine.
    I started by using the human resources available at my disposal, I got friends who are also into music and I made them train him, he went through voice training class and also he was taught how to play the drums (a musical instrument he so much love).
    Now he is making it as a student and he has joined a band of instrumentalists in school with the name ROCK PSALMISTS. This group is the best musical group on Campus.
    A selfie with my friend on school farm
  1. Improvement in spiritual affairs: This is just another awesome achievement for me this year, being able to do away with worldly distractions, materialism and focusing on making the world a better place by selfless attitude and love for everyone.

  2. improvement on writing skills: by blogging on steemit, I have been able to improve my writing skills. There is a believe that A GOOD READER IS A GOOD WRITER and vice versa. When I first started blogging on steemit, I was unable to write very well. But with the help of fellow steemians @olanrewaju and @ewuoso, I started improving with my writing skills (though am still learning). Reading and going through the article of steemians has helped me also in this area, I sometimes spend hours researching, reading and writing articles.

  3. Education: During he course of this year, I have been able to help myself with my academics by working shifts to pay for fees, buy lecture notes and do researches.

I was also able to purchase a Generator, A Television, Home theater

Now to my Failures

  1. Not being able to help most of those that came to me for help: I just have to be sincere with myself, though I helped friends, I was not able to help everyone I came across. Though this might not be possible but I take it to be a failure on my own part. I believe the reason am in this world is to help people and as long as I cannot do that, I have no reason to be alive.

2)Farm project: I had in mind, last year to begin my farm project this year. But due to financial constraints, I was not able to continue with it even though I started the project.
I have the intentions of resurecting this project next year. I hope I will be able to get a lot of SBDs from steemit to achieve this.

3)Abandoned Poultry Project: I was having a poultry farm before though it was on a small scale. I had to abandon it cost of the great loss I invited on it after Newcastle disease killed over half of my birds
I wanted to continue and not to give up, but there has been financial constraints, and this has been holding me back.
Picture of the poultry house

The cages for raising after two weeks of age


The brooding cage for raising the chicks from day old to 2weeks

Yes I have failed, but that is not the end of everything, I believe I can change my failure story to a success story.

Next year is going to be great, better than this year as I plan to realise and turn my failures to success with the help of God, with the help of fellow steemians.


Oh, I was inspired. This is just the end of 2017, not the end of me

Yeah, when there is life, there is hope

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