My 2017: Achievements and Challenges - Blessings Achieved and Blessings to Come

in #my20177 years ago

Rising on the Air with 2017!

When I first saw the title for this weeks contest challenge question, it immediately made me think of old song that we used to sing in church.

Part of the lyrics to the song go as follows:

Sometimes I couldn’t see my way through
But the Lord He brought me out
Right now I’m free
I’ve got the victory
I’ve got a testimony
As I look back over my life
And I think things all over I can truly say that I’ve been blessed
I’ve got a testimony
(Credit: )

I couldn't just read the words without wanting to listen to the song.

(Credits: Youtube Video,Standard YouTube License
Music,"I've Got A Testimony" by Clay Evans)

And, when I look back over my life during 2017, I do truly have a testimony!

My life, like most people's, has had some ups and downs. But, what has the year 2017 brought into my life?

(Source for GIF:

2017 Achievements: I'm listing these first because, really, doesn't everyone always like to hear the good before the bad?

  • Achieved emotional freedom

This is really an achievement that no one else can see. But, it is something that I can feel all the way to the very core of my being.

Perhaps I should explain by sharing a portion of a comment that I shared in a previous post (

"I have always been blessed to have a terrific family and friends. Some would even say that I led a charmed life. ...until I didn't. You see, due to some poor choices and decisions that I made , I was forced to be away from my family for 4 years and 11 months. So, on December 26, 2015, I received one of my most memorable and best late Christmas presents freedom and the reunification of my precious family! You often don't realize what you have until it is taken away. Family and friendships are precious! Time is precious! Freedom is precious! Never again will I take these things for granted. I am eternally thankful for my late Christmas gift of December 26, 2015! The gift of freedom and family reunification is a gift that I will always cherish and remember!"

But, even though I was physically freed on December 26, 2015, it has taken me quite some time to again feel emotionally free. Losing my physical freedom robbed me of parts of myself that I thought I might never get back. Things like self-esteem, self-confidence and the ability to truly be myself without fear of punishment.

Yes, it has taken me a while, but I'm so glad that in the Year 2017 I've finally, finally achieved emotional freedom. I no longer dwell in self-doubt and can hold my head high. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has made mistakes or poor life choices at some time in their lives. The true issue is whether we allow those mistakes or poor choices to define us and our futures. By achieving emotional freedom, even though I remember the past, I can now truly enjoy the present and anticipate all that the future may hold.

  • Finally Realizing My Dream of Starting a Social Enterprise: * At Meme's Table Vegan Dessert Business* and Establishing Self as a leader in Vegan Cooking in My Community

When I worked as an attorney (if you want to know more about me, my past, and what makes me.."me", check out: I've got to admit that I was willfully blind to many of the problems facing incarcerated and formerly incarcerated persons...especially women. Let's just say that my eyes have been opened! They (we) face an uphill battle finding housing and being re-integrated into society. And, one of the greatest issues affecting ex-offenders is the lack of job opportunities. Especially jobs which pay a living wage. That! Must! Change!

Though I still have a ways to go in meeting my long-term goals, I'm happy to say that in 2017, I finally realized my dream of launching a social enterprise, At Meme's Table Vegan Dessert Business. It is my goal that my new social enterprise will provide job training and living wage employment to women on work-release or recently released from prison. It certainly won't happen over night, but my goal is be like Greyston Bakery ( in Yonkers, New York which has as it's motto, "Bakers on a mission
EAT BROWNIES. CHANGE LIVES." I hope to some day, my modest little social enterprise will make a change in someone's life. 2017 is the start of something great!

  • Learned that It's Okay to Enjoy Life!

During the course of 2017, I've learned that it's okay to embrace and enjoy life! I've reunited with siblings with whom I've been separated since birth. I've made and nourished friendships. I've come to appeciate "me time". Life is good. It is to be enjoyed and not just endured!

2017 (and Continuing) Challenges:

  • I haven't lost the weight that I want and need to lose.

  • My mouth sometimes runs before the brain has had a chance to engage.

  • I sometimes let time manage me instead of me managing my time.

  • And, financially, I'm not yet where I want or need to be.

These are but a few of my 2017 achievements and challenges. 2017 has been a year for Blessings Achieved! And, I'm looking forward to 2018 being a year for Blessings to Come!

Thanks for taking the time to read this post!

Hi, I'm Benita G. You may also know me as, or call me, @AtMemesTable.

Hope you loved this post. Now, make me a happy girl and upvote my post and follow me.

I would love to have the opportunity to talk to you and to get to know you and you me. Check me out later! 'Cause you'd best believe that I'm going to be checking you out! Find me @AtMemesTable.

See you tomorrow!


What a great post and review of your life for the last year.
I wish you all the best in 2018, and with becoming the leader in your vegan community!

Thank you, @goldendawne, for the kind words and good wishes. I strongly feel that it is important to give back to the community that nourishes you and that is what I want to do with At Meme's Table Desserts. I appreciate you reading and commenting on my post. Take care!

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