How I hurried to become an adult

in #my-story6 years ago

It all started two years ago. I was then seventeen years old. I wanted to walk, my mother was always bored with her teachings. In general, like all teenagers. And then on my way a young man met. He did not look like anyone I had met before. He was an adult, he earned his living and spoke beautifully.

I fell in love with the present, but I will not say that he was beautiful, just next to him, I felt such feelings, which are told in fairy tales. Mom, he immediately did not like and I, not listening to her, moved to live with him.

It was perfect, we did everything together. To my happiness there was no limit. And then I became pregnant, he was very happy, because he wanted a child. But then, somehow all of a sudden everything changed. From the former affectionate and loving guy, nothing remained. He started drinking, he did not respect me at all. I did not come home at night, but later fell asleep with gifts, swore that he loved me and never cheated on me.

I thought that when a son was born, everything would change. After all, I love him very much, and I could not live without him, but everything became worse. He loves his son very much, helps me with him always, but he treats me very badly. Often even a hand on me raises, and never regretted about it, believes that this is normal.

Tried to leave him, but returned more than once, said that he was more valuable than me and his son no one. And I have nowhere to go, I'm ashamed of my relatives, that I ran to him like this. What to do, I do not know, feelings began to pass, I give all my love to my son. I hope that I can still get along with him.


How very hard. There's never an easy solution once the hole is dug. But there is help out there if you are willing to accept it and remove that negative part of your life. You deserve happiness and your son will see your fake happiness as an example of love and real life. Be strong and fight for your own respect. You deserve to be treated with honor and gentleness. If he really loves his Son he wouldnt disrespect and abuse his mom, thats not a real Man and its not NORMAL or Acceptable. Jesus treated all woman as gifts to be cherished and respected.

Besides the religious aspect of this comment i agree, dont let someone else dictate your success in life. If he hurts you there is a real problem and you need to seek refuge for you and your child. There are shelters for woman in your situation. They arent as scary as they seem and usually very friendly and nurturing. Escape is the only option to avoid being physically harmed. If thats what hes doing than he’s a total write off. Move on.

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