My Christmas Gifts

in #my-niche7 years ago (edited)

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Yulutide is one period of the year I yearn for like a Deer that yearns for running streams. Its a season of joyful expectation of the birth of Christ.

This period is characterised with celebrations of all kinds. It's a time for merry making and cheerful co-existence. It's a period that radiates joy and happiness. This is a period of exchange of gifts to loved ones, friends and family.

This season is my special time of harvest, a bomber harvest of the Christmas tree which I planted in January.

My Christmas tree is unique and different from all other trees. Unlike other trees that produces one particular fruit, my Christmas tree produces various fruits and these fruits on my Christmas are My gifts to you this season. My Christmas tree is decorated with beautiful fruits of


Love is a selfless and honest benevolence to others. It is a deep sincere affection for others. Love is one virtue we all need. Love not by words only but my expression. love that seeks peace not war, love that embraces unity not division, love that dispels hatred, love that embraces happiness and joy, not sorrow, love that accommodates not intimidates, love that encourages not discourages, love that corrects not condems. A love that is genuine and selfless.

I have been soo busy all true the year that I hardly spend time with you. Am carried away with the daily struggles of life that I forget to give you my attention. But this season, I offer you my precious time which is a part of me. I can produce other things but I cannot produce more time. I drop all other activities just to be with you. Nothing matters most to me now but to stay with you. Let us strive to make out time for the various people in our lives. Let us spend quality time with our families, children, friends, loved ones and all who need our attention.

Amidst your difficulties, challenges, worries and troubles in life, I offer you my smile as a symbol of hope and courage. My smile is my inner expresion of peace and contentment regardless of how bad I feel. Draw strenght from the brightness on my face. Worry not, it shall be well.

As the year gradually comes to an end, I pardon and let go all the wrongs, hurts, bitterness and pains you caused me. I also plead for your forgiveness. Today I liberate myself from that burden of bearing grudges against you, I free myself from that prison of malice and discomfort each time I see you. This season, I choose to relieve myself off that bitterness I have for you. I embrace peace, love and unity amongs us.

All these are my gifts to you this season. I give you my love, time, smile and forgiveness to show how much I care about you and how important you are to me.

I invite all of us to partake in these gifts of mine. Come and share in my gifts because we are in the season of love.

The Christmas tree represents me, you, everybody.

The fruits on the tree represents all the good qualities and values in us.

The duration from planting to harvesting(January to December) indicates that at every moment, we are to be good.

Merry Christmas and compliments of the season.


i enjoyed your post as i read through with smiles on my face

I am inspired by your type of xmas tree. This is what every festive season should carry along

I enjoyed reading this , Christmas is such a wonderful season

Merry Chrismass and happy new year

Hmmmm, what a tree 🎄.

😂 😂

Merry Christmas to you too bro...
These are important gift but how good will it be if we can give it at all time not minding if it is Christmas or not...

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