
If you want to bomb Iran, get on a plane, go over there, and bomb them. I'm out. I don't want my stolen tax FRN's to pay for it, either.

Lmao what a bunch of liberal vomit. It's a wonder you learned to type being so vapid. You did not mention one pro or con of bombing iran.

I'm a Lebertarian Dickhead.
Con: It costs a shitload to go to war.
Con: I will have to pay a part of that shitload with my earnings, stolen from me by dickheads like you who want to murder brown people in foreign countries.
Con: You are a coward and will not be joining the military to fight this war you say you want.
Con: Nuclear retalliation

Pro: They don't have a bomb yet.
Pro: Bomb them before they get one.
Pro: Dead Muslims.
Pro: No more Iran.

Your con about nuclear retaliation is retarded because Iran is so radical the second they get an a bomb they are gonna use it. Whether we strike them or not.

Con: Russia has plenty of Bombs
Con: Dead Americans

Okay, I'm sorry for wasting your time. I didn't realize I was arguing with a hateful, racist child with almost zero grasp of geopolitics.

Obviously just as with the situation in North Korea we would need to bring other nations in on it by coercion , force or reason. That does not mean we do not have to bomb t Iran. We can't take the Obama approach that is what gave us the North Korean situation we have today.

Okay, well that's some fancy back-pedaling. I think "doing something" might be okay, but coercion and force haven't gotten us anything except more war, violence, and government control.

With every war we get into, we lose more freedom here at home. It's a directly proportional relationship.

Back pedaling? lmao no I said we should bomb Iran, I never said we should be stupid about it you assumed that and made an ass of yourself and me for engaging with you.

You embarrassed yourself by basing geo politics on ideology not fact. Save the geo-politics for the adults. That live in reality not a libertarian, or any other political labels fever dream.

"With every war we get into, we lose more freedom here at home. It's a directly proportional relationship." factless statements based on things in your own head. is not geo-politics.

Yeah? Obama is responsible for North Korea? How old are you man? Did you even complete the fourth grade?

Pick up a history book sometime. It's a good thing people like you aren't in charge of anything except yourselves. How's that working out for you in your mom's garage?

Well, if we bomb Iran we start a massive war in the Middle East, meaning we have to expend our troops and nation in a war that most will not understand. Until the public is fully aware of how much Iran hates the U.S. and is perpetually preparing for war (even training 5 year olds to use AK-47s) it may not be strategic. I almost see a war as inevitable. If I were to wage war with Iran, first I would spark up civil disobedience, like the green revolution. Start up a domestic resistance movement, then at the most chaotic point, strike.

The annual anti-Israel/anti-America day funded by the Iranian Government.

Iran is already at war with us, as is every Muslim. We can not close our eyes and hope the enemy away.

Oh I know. The problem is all of the feel gooders that want to believe we can achieve peace with them. Their goal is destabilization of the west, you and I both know that. We need to get the public to a place where they can understand the chess board, otherwise we run the risk of having a war without the passion to win, may be dangerous right now. Half of the country wants to import as many anti-western people as they can, mass media has them brainwashed.

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