woman is the ideal of Muslim men
Woman is one of Allah's glorious creatures of Allah Subhaanahu wata'ala. The characteristics of women differ from men in some laws such as women's aurat is different from male aurat. Women have a very great position in Islam. Islam takes great care of the dignity, the dignity of a woman. The noble woman in Islam is a Muslim woman who sholihah.
Muslim women are not enough just with Muslim women, but it must be Muslim women who sholihah because many Muslim women who do not sholihah. Allah Subhaanahu wata'ala highly praised the Muslim woman, the believer and khusyu 'mu'minah'. Even Allah Subhahahu wata'ala mensifati them as the obedient keepers. Allah Subhaanahu wata'ala said: Meaning: "Then the woman who is sholihah is the obedient, again nurturing her when her husband is not there because Allah has guarded them." (Surat an Nisa ': 34)
Characteristics of Women Sholehah Idaman Muslim Men
1). A woman who always upholds God's command and keeps away from His restrictions.
2). The woman who is not negligent with the world, when the call to prayer he immediately leave his activity to perform the prayer.
3). A woman who always keeps her holiness and always keeps (closes) her nakedness perfectly. As the Word of Allah (SWT) says: "O Prophet! Say to your wives, daughters and wives of believers. Let them stretch out their veils all over their bodies. so that they are easier to recognize, therefore they are not disturbed. and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(Surah Al-Ahzab: 59)
4).Women who always devoted to both parents
5).A woman who is always obedient and obedient to her husband, when viewed he can please his husband, and always keep the honor of her husband 6). A woman who always guides her children and her family to the welfare and protects her family against immorality. As the word of Allah SWT in Al-Qur'an sura At-Tahrim verse 6: Meaning: "O ye who believe! Keep yourselves and your family from the fire of hell. whose fuel is human and stone, the guardian is a violent and violent angel, and does not disobey Allah against what He commands them and always do what is commanded. "(Surah At-Tahrim: 6)
7). The woman who always keeps her holiness is not seced with men who are not muhrimnya, and do not leave the house without permission from her husband.
8). A woman who can hold her gaze, ie never look to the unlawful and keep her naked. As mentioned in the Qur'an Surah An-Nuur verse 31: It means: "... Say to the believing woman, Let them restrain her sight and his cock, and let them not show her the jewelry except the (ordinary) seen of it." (Surat an-Nuur: 31) 9). Women who always keep themselves from the actions of ghibah, namimah and other actions that are not useful.
10). Women who have a noble character who is gentle, affectionate, and helpful to help.
11). A woman who can please the husband, a compassionate, polite, gentle woman, always adorn her face for her husband, cover her nakedness, honor her husband and her family, and always keep her husband's good name and property. These are some of the traits of the woman shalihah that men desire. Be ourselves as good as jewelry for our husbands. because the permission of a wife is the pleasure of the husband's heart. Hopefully we are able to be a sholehah woman who was honored by Allah SWT. Amiin Ya Rabbal 'Alamiin ....