A Message to Rebecca

in #musings3 years ago

I haven't been available to write for those who do read my posts in the last few days. Last night, I was looking at a hot chocolate container with a certain level of wistfulness. For the past few years, I have been buying food with the intent of piquing the tastebuds of my parents. I had bought the hot chocolate specifically for my father. I experience a strange emotion with the thought that the remaining tablespoons at the bottom of the container represent unfinished experiences for my father. Never again will he drink a cup of hot chocolate or eat a peanut butter and onion sandwich. He lies sedated in the hospital in sleep he will never awaken from, the last step in his current journey leading to the first step of his next adventure.

There is an expression that you do not become a man until your father dies. Since I have never particularly been eager to die, I have been happy and proud that my children have had the courage to strike out on their own paths. The destination is never essential. The journey is what we live. Perhaps the most significant contribution that I provided to my kids was to read fairy tales at night. They learned that witches and monsters exist in the world, but witches and monsters can be beaten.

While I remain supportive of my mother, the question arises, "Where do I go from here?" Some of you may know that I have been working on helping other people whom I love, my friends and their families in Ukraine, have an escape route available if the current crisis worsens there. At best, I have created a temporary fix for a short-term problem. There is a much longer-term problem on our near horizon. This problem will arise as soon as March 2023, although it might not be fully realized until September 2046.

Within the script of the video, Ben Davidson mentions Heinrich-Bond Cycle. I've discussed in an earlier article Heinrich events are longer-term cold events (10-15 thousand year - ky), Dansgaard–Oeschger (D-O) events are periodic sudden warming events associated with the Bond cycles (1475-1500 years). The last Bond event started in 535 A.D.

Leading up to the Bond Events are the D-O events. In their paper on the subject, Dansgaard and Oeschger noted that a precipitous rise in global temperatures led up to cold cycles. If you apply heat to a pot of water, eventually, you will see an eruption of bubbles. The rise in CO₂ levels is not the cause of temperature increases; it is the symptom. For the last 150-years, the Sun has been like the burner to the pot. More energy has been transmitted to the Earth's core electromagnetically. Evidence of this is Earth is rotating faster.

Scientists claim that the Earth's rotational speed has increased in recent years, and if the trend continues, it may cause a problem in the modern age. The scientific community has recently revealed that the rate of rotation of our planet has increased over the past 50 years ...
The speed of the Earth's rotation is increasing – and this can be a problem

It doesn't mean that volcanic winter needs to be brought about by a single massive volcanic eruption. It might be a series of more minor eruptions similar to those that precipitated the Little Ice Age. There are additional cycles with 3000, 6000, and 12000 year periods. The most cataclysmic are on the 12000 year scale. The last one occured 12000 years ago.

Earth’s Geomagnetic Strength Down 20% | The 12,000 Year Cycle

Earth is bombarded multiple times per year with coronal mass ejections from the sun. Under ordinary conditions, the millions of tons of charged particles stream around the Earth, as it is protected by our bubble of geo-magnetic fields. Every 12000 years our fields drops to less than 10 percent of its normal strength.

The transition from the normal field to the reversed field lasted approximately 250 years, while the magnetic field remained reversed for approximately 440 years. During the transition, Earth's magnetic field reached a minimum of 5% of its current strength, and was at about 25% of its current strength when fully reversed.

With the limited protective field, coronal mass ejections will strike the Earth and according to some calculations will cause a tsunami wave 1000 feet (~300 meters) in height. You will understand how critical this would be depending upon where you live. I suspect very few of the people I know would be safe from such a wave, and would they would perish in the following glaciation. The last event, the Younger Dryas, set Earth back into ice and snow for 1000 years.




Since this is a repeating pattern, one must wonder how our ancestors survived. The solution to this is to listen to the folktales of your ancestors. This link takes you to the chapter eleven mentioned in the following video.

In addition to the potential wave created by a CME blast, the belief is the Earth will also stop rotating. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake in northeastern Japan exemplifies what might happen.

The quake shortened Earth’s day by 1.8 microseconds (µs) and shifted its figure axis by 17 centimetres (cm).

If the Earth stops moving but the water continues to move, the seas will overflow the land. The Tohoku earthquake caused "caused icebergs to break off in Antarctica, water in Norwegian fjords to splash back and forth."

What can I say? Find a cave high up in a mountain situated somewhere between 40 degrees latitude north and 40 degrees latitude south.

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