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RE: Can Africa ever grow wholly? A black man's story

in #musings7 years ago

Seeing this post reminded me of what happened earlier today.
So I am on instagram, and I see a meme which says, "Africans are happy about Wakanda, but they have forgotten Zamuda"(or something like it). Now Zamuda is the African nation portrayed in the movie, Coming to America.

So, seeing it to be a joke, I said "Africans want spaceships in our own land, we are tired of a story only about love in another man's land"

Few minutes later, the individual sends a private message, asking that I desist from commenting on his posts and he doesn't want to argue.

i apologised and promised not to comment anymore on his post. but he continued, saying I shouldn't discriminate between African countries, and I should remember that I am black.

I couldn't believe it.
I reminded him that these countries are fictional countries.

The problem with Africa being unable to reach the height she can is the innate belief that we are of lesser worth to the westerners. We believe that different means bad, we believe that their ways are how things are supposed to be.

Now, I am a Christian, and I thank God for that, but because I am a Christian and know that my ancestors were pagan worshipers does not make me call them barbarians, they were different, and that was the light they had.

Somehow, our past has been painted as being all evil. Now instead of us to learn the truth, we blame the westerners. The easiest way to lose your power is to blame someone else for mishaps.

If we get too sensitive, we won't be strong. If we are not sensitive, we won't be kind. We need counterbalance.

I love the Wakanda movie. Though made by Whites, we were reminded of the depth of Africa. By portraying Wakanda as being hidden beneath the forest, they are telling us that there is more hidden in us than meets the eyes. With the technological achievements in Wakanda, they are telling us that we have more than we let on, if only we realise that we are a great people, and wear our origin with confidence.

In as much as we think we should bleach because light skin is better, and we think that relaxed hair is better because kinky hair is archaic, we will never find out what we possess. (Just to mention a few shallow thinking lines)

Africa is great, but we need to accept it first.


I love the Wakanda movie. Though made by Whites, we were reminded of the depth of Africa. By portraying Wakanda as being hidden beneath the forest, they are telling us that there is more hidden in us than meets the eyes. With the technological achievements in Wakanda, they are telling us that we have more than we let on, if only we realise that we are a great people, and wear our origin with confidence.

This reply by far is the most beautiful and stems from a beautiful mind which grasps the movie the way I see it. You not only successfully spoke well, you stirred beautiful points home.

We always feel we need the Western approval to succeed, whereas we have the resources, the mind to grasp the technical know how, the man power and the never ending stream of ideas, sadly we have relegated ourselves to the back seat once again because we wallow in a contorted state of self pity.

I wanted to add something to my post which you reminded me of. Blacks feel bad when they are left out at awards but forget they are neglecting their own BET awards. Why not make yours world class and the envy of all?

Blacks feel they have made it if they enter the Forbes list, but what stops us from having a black "Forbes" company that will be world class?
Someone once said if a company refuses to hire you because of bureaucracy and you are qualified, work hard and buy the godamn company.

It's easier to blame others for our deficiency but better to man up and do what's right.
Africa has spent so many years brooding, it's time to grow up and get work done.

It's time to grow up and get work done.


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