Share something new you learnt today?

in #musing6 years ago

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We learn something new everyday. Oftentimes, we do not pay so much attention to details and that is why we feel we haven't learnt anything.

I used to think there was nothing new to be learnt but until I changed my orientation, my mind became open to learn and I started learning new things. Most of which were things relearned by me.

One new thing I learned today, or should I say relearned was that If you are not focused, nobody will know you. I heard the word, and it struck me hard, I started thinking about it and came to terms with that fact.

A lot of people are not focused on a particular thing and that is why they are not known. They want to be everything at the same time. They want to be a doctor, lawyer, businessman and fashion designer at the same time. While it is not bad to be multi talented, it is often said that a jack of all trade is a master of none.

Focus on one particular thing, let people see you and know you for a particular thing. Master that particular craft that people will love to refer to you for what you do. 

When you mention Mark Zuckerberg, what comes to mind?

When you mention Ronaldo, what comes to mind?

When you mention Beyonce, what comes to your mind?

I can go on listing all these big names....but the question is, when they mention your name, what comes to other people's mind?

I love a particular saying from a friend of mine which says, Focus on your FOCUS and you will ultimately become the focus.


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