How do you feel about the engagement that you are experiencing here in

in #musing6 years ago

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My engagement on musing turns out to be increasing everyday. I haven't regretted being on musing because I have learnt a lot from different people by posting quite and I have also earned some cool cash just by providing quality answers. I can't just do a day without visiting musing because I do feel uncomfortable or incomplete if I haven't engage on musing each day.

My engagement motivation sometime increases drastically if I see people making huge cash on musing trending page for their answers. I will also want to earn more like them which will also enable me to participate more on the platform even though I am learning and at the same time I am earning.

Commenting on the quality you asked which is quoted "If you are to compare your engagement between steemit & musing, which one gave you a more meaningful conversation to anyone you engage with"

Actually I used to be a blogger on Steemit in such a way that I write good quality articles back then on Steemit but I wasn't earning good upvotes from people. I used to feel like it was only me who was reading my writings because I sometimes end up with no upvotes and low rewards after my effort to come up with lovely plagiarized free articles.

Since my blog post never attracted any of my audience, I then decided I was going to change my niche into writing about blockchain related projects maybe I may build new followers and earn cool upvotes. Unfortunately, I was able to get very few rewards from some blockchain project team just because I helped them in copywriting to enable more people know more about their projects. I also ended up with low upvotes and low audience or follower.

I was thinking maybe I had a poor writing skill which was why my work isn't appreciated on Steemit or maybe they just hated me for no reason. This made me discussed my unfavorable experience with one of my friend whom was doing very fine on Steemit. She told me Steemit is all about consistency and I should never give up.

I tried following her advice on staying consistent with my posts but I discovered it wasn't just favoring me. I had to leave steemit for sometime to discover what I was really good at doing back then. I believe I can earn more upvotes if I knew my natural talents and gift. After few days of self examination, I wasn't able to discover my talent but all I could remember was that I loved providing answers to people questions on Quora.

When I came back to Steemit, I just had to keep struggling with the platform because it never favored me as a minnow. I just had to keep writing to avoid doing nothing and I was had the hope that everything will be okay one day if I don't give up.

One night, decided to upload some whatsApp status and I saw musing image in my gallery. I was thinking maybe someone from other groups sent the picture in their group discussing about it. I then decided to make some researches about it and I noticed it was just like "a Quora paying platform". I was very happy after seeing this and without wasting much time, I logged in on musing just to see how the platform works and I noticed it was just perfectly okay for me.

I started posting questions and quality answers on musing and I was always happy with the upvote I was earning back then because it was just more than the upvotes I earn from steemit. I felt happy and motivated to be a full time musing user because musing had brought me out from the mud and gave me more strength to shine now.

I was able to earn more steem power and more followers ever since I have been on Musing. I was able to see people showing appreciation and great comments for my work even though I never experienced much of that on Steemit. I was able to make it to musing trending page. Today, I now receive different messages from different people asking me about how I earn and make it to the trending page on musing. Some people now see me as an Icon on Musing even though I am not one yet 😊.

I must say Musing had helped most Steemit users who had no hope most especially the minnows like me. Everyone now make use of musing to earn cool rewards just by engaging on the platform positively.

I use this medium to invite anyone feels like giving up on Steemit to just have a little taste of musing and see what happens next. I also use this opportunity to commend the effort of all musing curators and team members like @jonchin, @nfc, and many others for their lovely involvement in the development of this great platform. I also want to employ some musing users who do may think musing is doesn't give them upvote even though these set of users may not understand how musing works. I employ such people to learn and understand how musing works by asking questions or meeting with some great musing users like @littleboy, @joyce-okpobolo, @francistagbo, @nonsowrites, @jlordc, @thehive, @bozz, @Ancesotop and many others.

If a $0.55 Steemit upvote earner like me can now be a $1 musing earner, you can surely perform better than me. There is still hope to earn more Steemit rewards by making use of musing and I must say I haven't regretted joining musing because I am very happy to be part of musing.

In conclusion, I don't mind spending my whole 24 hours engaging on musing than Steemit because musing will always reward you according to your effort and you you earn more rewards using musing even though Steemit may be very difficult to earn more rewards for some minnows. Musing is just the best platform to be part of 😊.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.

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