How can I make a tag a trending tag?

in #musing6 years ago (edited)

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A tag becomes popular when lots of people use it. Popularity of tag depends on various factors like use of easier words, known terms, usability, etc for making the tag. If you use very difficult word for making a tag, it cannot be popular among masses easily because of difficulties associated with its use. 

Life, photography, image, pictures, adventure, sports, etc are easier words to pronounce and also can be remembered and recalled without difficulties. Is it not difficult to remember ‘anmlfotografy’? Instead of it ‘animalphotography’ is relatively an easier term to remember and chances of spelling mistakes also decreases with the use of popular words or a combination of popular words. Popular and well-known abbreviations can also work but 'jargon' become difficult to use. So, chances of popularity of tags also decrease if they are very complex. 


Chances of success are high for a tag if one uses ‘nouns’ or ‘adjectives’ instead of 'verbs' to make the tag.  Words like life, animals, art, beauty, girls, photography etc. are very popular because they are either noun or adjectives.

Also, a tag can be popular if one provides rewards for its use. upvotes posts that have ‘busy’ tag and are posted through interface. Likewise and @good-karma upvotes posts that have ‘esteem’ tag. If one wishes to popularize a tag, he should reward the users who write posts using that particular tag. If you are a whale and have lots of SP, you can make a tag trending by upvoting posts with that particular tag.  Ulog tag became popular because the users were upvoted for using it. So, reward can make any tag trending but it takes money and efforts. 

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I thought if you wanted a trending tag you just pay a bot to do it for you?

A post may be trending. How can a tag be trending by vote buying?

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