
Uhmmm no I don't think it will, and that's simply because they're both two very different platforms. Taking the major difference between them aside which is the fact that people get rewarded for their content on steemit, Facebook and steemit are still very different.

Facebook is meant to be a social media site which was created to connect people all around the world and build a global community, where as steemit was meant to serve as a platform to reward creativity, not necessarily to connect people all around the world.

They both have very different principles which make them too dissimilar for steemit to serve as a possible replacement for Facebook. It's quite possible that a Dapp could be created that's more similar to Facebook than steemit itself, maybe something like, but I honestly don't see steemit replacing Facebook.

If you asked if musing would replace quora or if steepshot would replace Instagram then I could make a valid argument for that seeing as they are both incentived versions of their non blockchain based counterparts, but steemit as a whole simply doesn't match Facebook in terms of its utility.

I hope this helps.

Well in an attempt to answer your question without much delay, I'd say Steemit cannot possibly replace Facebook not now and not anytime soon.

Facebook as a social media revolutionalized the history of social communication. It created a platform through which globalization of information takes place and led to the miniaturization of the media.

Facebook heralded the concept of the Global Village and made the world a smaller place by letting people communicate across national boundaries freely without any hindrance. This feat alone achieved by Facebook is one of the milestones that steemit cannot and have not met.

Facebook as a social media keeps updating it's platform with a lot of additional features but it does not give the opportunity to earn on it's platform unlike steemit.

Steemit on the other hand was built on the block chain like every other crypto currency and gives the opportunity to earn while we post on the blog but it's still way behind the Facebook platform as steemit does not get as much traffic as the Facebook platform and might not get as much as that in the nearest future.

Don't get me wrong, steemit is a very good platform for people to Post and earn but its still has a lot to do if it plans on replace the much announced Facebook all over the world.

Every average citizen of any country have a Facebook account but not every average citizen of every country have heard of steemit not to talk of having a steemit account.

But I'll like to applaud steemit for the continuous growth and upgrade and believe that if they continue yo step up their game, they would some day rub shoulders with the Facebook platform

I don't think Steemit will replace Facebook but will give people an alternative website and platform. Steemit will change and adapt in years to come and you may find something similar to Facebook as a Dapp.

Facebook is losing members all the time and with the latest news of 50 million accounts being hacked their days are numbered. i have no idea why people still have Facebook accounts as I never had one myself. I don't know what the fascination is and have no interest whatsoever with it. They have shown over the last few years that they will lie and cover up selling information that they shouldn't and all it tells me is they can't be trusted.

Honestly, I doubt it, but I would be a very happy individual if it did. 

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