
What are they looking for in a relationship?
It is one of the complex problems and there are no easy answers, but it must be remembered that even though the circulating period and the world around us change, we can actually assume what men or women might seek in a relationship.
The principle of beginning to foster a relationship is interest, love and love affection without expectation of reward.

The man deep in the corner of the heart to desire a girlfriend or friend of women who can be trusted, faithful and may share personal things. Men are also looking for women who have a balance between the nature of being a woman who is feminine and in the same time firm and strong.

They like women who are gentle, compassionate, mature, merciful and at the same time steadfast, self-assertive and wise.

A firm friend and a supporter. The man will look for the mother and mother possible for his children. Men also women may be made friends boast and share humor. Clever jokes and able to communicate with very important characteristics. Men like women who can support them instead of furniture, which are firm but not suffering or angry. vice versa with women

Friends who say it,A man likes a woman who can stimulate and challenge a minda, not just to surrender to fate in continuing the relationship. Commitment, intimacy and long-term relationships are also important to them. Men also like relationships that prioritize respectful elements of respect and understanding that bring benefits to both parties. In fact men actually attract friends in all their relationships, just as women would also want the same thing as a man .

  • Each of them looking for trust

trust is the first thing required in a relationship. Whether it's a long-distance relationship or for those who are married and live in a house. Trust is a strong foundation that must exist in a relationship.

  • Sense of security
    for a woman of course with a companion would expect a sense of security. No exception for independent women. Included also for men. Safety at home and outdoors.

  • Comfortable
    maybe this is the first thing you feel when making sure you have a relationship. But it is also the thing that every time we need in a relationship. Even to death separate. Without a sense of comfort will not run a relationship even though new corn or aging is long.

  • Communication
    not just for couples who go through. long distance relationship but for those who are also one house or already married. It's not just how good communication is needed, but also the attitude of communicating in this, we know when it's time to talk and we know when it's quiet and listening.

Relationship is basically supporting each other. Every individual is different from one another and they have different need. But on can simply it by saying most men look for moral support and encouragement from their partners while women look for care and affection..

This is just generalisation.. but when it comes to real deal there are many factors that comes in play.

Trust and Honesty
and many other things
But perhaps the most important thing is future..

Where do you wanna take the relationship?
You can't stay at same place because with each passing moment you are changing and your partner is too so, things and dynamics between you and your partner will change and by future mean how to do you want to handle the changes and whether it means the same to your partner.

PS: sorry if I confused you even more. :-)

A man cannot and does not like to guess the feelings or thoughts of his partner. Better, talk what it is.

Therefore, smooth communication becomes an important factor. Without it, undergo a relationship as if building a sand castle. Not sturdy, too easy to collapse.

Generally, men also need to be given freedom. Because life is not about love only. Take time for friends, hobbies and other activities. Men also want the same thing for their partner.

It can be concluded, men actually need to be accompanied by someone who makes them comfortable. Full of warmth and understanding. A female figure whose existence can make a feeling of confusion free from chaos

Many things, depending on the type of relationship

In relationship we have to look after many things because it will decide our life and we cannot get another life partner after our marriage and this may happen after divorce.

My thoughts are different because in relationship person should not look whether she or he is beautiful or handsome but look after his or her nature and how he or she is reacting with other people.

As i am boy i will use word she to express i am in relationship as i will look whether she is having sympathy for other. I will be looking whether she is angry in talking with someone. Because some girls are angry in front of boys without understanding their nature and just they are simply getting in problems.

I will look out the maturity or girl whether she is happy in her life or simply dealing with small things or she is mature enough to be in a relationship.

Who's easily said that undergoing a relationship it's easy. Of course each person will say that the relationship is not easy. Many stories, hurdles, even bad memories good memories happened and has passed. Each relationship has a story each.

Then, what the heck is in fact looking for in a relationship?

each of them looking for the trust the trust is the first thing needed in a relationship. Well that's undergoing the long-distance relationship or for those who are married and live in a home. Trust is the foundation that must exist in a relationship.

a sense of security
For a woman naturally with a companion certainly expect a sense of security. No exception for women who are independent. Including for. men. A sense of security when at home and when outside the home.

This might be something comfortable on taste first time ensure underwent a relationship. But this is also the case that any time we need in a relationship. Even until death separates. Without any sense of comfort will not run the relationship even though new whole corn or long.

Not only for couples who are undergoing. long distance relationship but for them also which one home or already preclude. Not just a good way of communicating that is needed, but also the attitude of communicating in this case, we know when it's time to talk and we know when it's time still and listen.

No love is wrong, but is how to live in love

A sense of comfort is the main point that you will feel when you've met the right partner. Instead of always being filled with the same interactive discussions and activities, sitting together despite being busy with each other's world will still make you feel at home next to him. Maybe you're doing your college assignment, then she accompanied you while reading her favorite manga.

Although there is no conversation between you, you remain calm. Because for you are happy it is simple. The existence of a permanent partner makes you happy even though both of you are not doing the same activity.

who easily says that a relationship is easy. Of course everyone will say that a relationship is not easy. Many stories, obstacles, happy memories and even bad memories that have happened and have been passed. Each relationship has its own story.

Then, what exactly is looking for in a relationship?

each of them looking for trust

trust is the first thing required in a relationship. Whether it's a long-distance relationship or for those who are married and live in a house. Trust is a strong foundation that must exist in a relationship.

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