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RE: Musing Posts

How to get a good lifepartner?

We all have to choose a lifepartner for our life. To make our life happy. To make a good family. To make a good citizen. For that we have to choose our lifepartner very carefully but how?


Well, I think getting a good partner begins with you. The question you have to ask yourself is "Will I make a good partner to someone?" Most times, are so engulfed in what others can offer to us without working on ourselves. I feel, if you are good, you will definitely attract goodness. a good partner goes beyond the physical attraction. Yes, it is okay to feed the eyes before the mouth, but it should never be the basis of your selection. You look inwardly to see anyone's personality. Ask yourself what you want, where you want to be, and the kind of family you want to raise. These question will help anyone decide. 

For most religious people using a life partner boils down to the direction of God. I am a Christian, and I know choosing a life partner without the help of Christ might lead to serious regrets. God has given us common sense to be able to differentiate between right and wrong. 

Getting a good partner is an easy task,  but only if you are patient and take your time to study prospective partners. 

Most people who date get blinded by the chemistry and initial attraction and don't take the time to truly study their partner.

If you are patient and truly study who you are with,  you will get to discover and decide if they are good and the right one for you. 

getting a good life partner is something that many of us definiitely want but our definition of a good partner greatly depends on what we look out for in a partner,i believe that the best way to get a good life partner is to become a friend with someone that shares the same interests with you then you can now later go into a relationship with the person if you are compatible with them

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