
You really think so?

Why do you think so?

I think so because what I believe see to me to be real and rational.

Because you can't see it does not mean it does not exist. We don't see air too but that does not mean it doesn't exist right?
Anyways, stay well bro and i pray God grants you the encounter that you so need to be convinced that he does exist.

"People are intelligent", I beg to differ. Sure there are smart people in the world, but there are also complete morons, and as far as I'm concerned mass media has been doing a great job of dumbing down society. I may have to agree with you to a certain extent in saying "no such thing called God" but only to the extent that The Creator actually does not prefer to be called God, because there are other gods and goddess' in the world and He does not want to be placed into the same category. Orthodox Jews (who are a very intelligent people) are not permitted to even spell out the word God because of that very reason, so you may notice that they will spell out G-d instead. God actually has many names like Yahweh, Yehovah, Eloah, or El Shaddai, but the highest name is the Tetragrammaton, or יהוה‬ in Hebrew and YHWH (Yod, Heh, Waw, Heh) in Latin script.

lol... Whatever form it is in, the concept of the creator itself is the biggest lie.

So what your saying is that Isaac Newton (a key figure in the scientific revolution btw) believed a lie? And yet your best argument to uphold this claim that there is no divine creator is because "people are intelligent"? C'mon man...

So you still believe that the Earth is flat? To me, creation of universe through'Big bang' and 'Evolution' seems more rationale over the so called god( Isn't he male?) creating it from nowhere. If i were to agree with you, then who created the god at first place?

Isaac Newton believed in god doesn't shatter my rational thoughts. After all he lived 100s of years ago!

Last time I checked this was not a "flat earth" debate, but no, I do not believe the earth is flat. You used humanities overall intelligence as a reasoning why people were "running away from God", and yet I use Isaac Newton as a perfect example of someone who is both intelligent and believes in a divine creator, whom without his work science would not be what it is today, furthermore we would not even have the English alphabet without the Hebrew language.

If human intelligence were increasing then why do humans still have a vice, like drinking, gambling, smoking meth, elevating and imitating our celebrity idols? May I submit to you it is because we use just as much mental energy now as we did 5000 years ago. Our intelligence has stayed the same but our technology and pursuit of knowledge has not. Darwins theory of evolution is still just that; a theory. There is still no missing link that connects us to apes, if there were than science would no longer consider it theoretical, and yet our educational institutions force feed it to their students.

If humans evolved from apes, then why are there still apes? Even if we did branch off from the ape family why didn't apes further evolve into some other form of uber-intelligent creature? They've certainly had long enough to do so.

I am not asking you to agree with me, even my own wife disagrees with me and asks the same question you do "who created the creator"? And I respond with "the creator is eternal". This answer does not satisfy people that cannot compute the infinite, and yet that is exactly what science and the trans-humanist agenda is trying to achieve; technological eternal life. Human 2.0.

I wonder, can apes hate themselves?

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