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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)

steemcleaners is a bunch of fascists with no talent and nothing better to do than wreck peoples posts, on my first month almost all my posts got downvoted regardless of content because one of the cronies must have taken offense to something i said in chat ... i never joined steemchat again after that and i think they should be dethroned from the witness seat, you can probably apply, but only if your really nice doggie and roll over pretty please :)

they're a bunch of talentless hacks, who trot around like they hold the concept of content in a holy grail in the middle àf 1100000 accounts, the REAL problem of steemit

just sit it out, they'll find someone else to bully,

(yea, that didnt go down well, i try not to respond to a question like that but i nearly had no sleep and im not quite jesus the forgiver, they even got me so low i cast a downvote myself, a stain on my history that will never go away, i think they're bullying scum)

maybe i get censored for a month again after saying this but screw that

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