
Oh hell yeah sex CAN SOLVE a lot of problem.

Where do I even start. There are different aspects and different areas you can consider it, of course. I'll start with reduction of stress.

You see, stress level can be reduced significantly by having good sex. With a reduced stress level you have an happier man or woman, a happier partner, a strong optimist, wich in turn helps you in other areas of life.

Also researches have confirmed that people who have sex often are actually a lot happier than people who don't. The role of happiness in problem solving can not be overstated of course. Imagine facing a problem with sadness, you're not only uninspired, you're completely dejected and the problem has you defeated before you even begin to face it. But facing a problem with optimism and joy, you have whole world behind you--all thanks to sex haha.

Psychologically your health is sound when you have good fulfilling sex, but not just psychologically though, according to WebMD [] sex in fact helps strengthen our immune systems, lower your blood pressure and lowers the risk of heart attack. I can't think of anything more problem solving than that lol.

Also any body that has had sex will tell you that sex particularly orgasm, literally takes the pain away. Although it is said that stimulation without orgasm can also do the same. Ladies who have problems with menstrual cramps are in fact advised to do this.

A professor at Rutgers University, New Jersey had this to say about the reports received on the analgesic nature of sex:

"We’ve found that vaginal stimulation can block chronic back and leg pain, and many women have told us that genital self-stimulation can reduce menstrual cramps, arthritic pain, and in some cases even headache,”

So have a problem with pain? The solution is simple--have sex all day! lol. Did I mention it's also a terrific form of exercise? What are you waiting for? Sex is awesome!

Sex can't solve any problem, only dialogue and understanding can. Sex may make couples fail to address some issues that they should have addressed once and for all, that doesn't mean that the issue has been solved. The sad thing about failing to address the issues that occurs in a relationship is that such issues would keep accumulating and the hurt, misunderstanding and resentment that such an issue is generating in the relationship will always be there until the issue is addressed and both partners reaches an understanding.

Sex may make a partner forget or fail to address a problem in the relationship when it should be address. But such act is not healthy for the relationship because such problem may likely come up again in the nearest future. Don't use sex to cover up issues that require attention in your relationship. It would put your relationship under intense pressure

Thanks to your use of bold all I saw was “Relationship problems” and the 3GS. I skipped #1, and #2.

Please don’t use highlights. This is first and foremost a reading platform. Highlighting can lead to bias, which in turn can lead to “poor understanding” because it incites us to skim.

We shouldn’t further feed that behavior. ;) 🤘

Sure, thanks for the feedback. Appreciate, it. Thanks.

I was on my tablet (iPad) and the bolder words just cried for attention. Pretty sure that wasn’t why you wrote all the rest. ;)

Yes, it possibly can.

While communication is the key in any relationship with issues, change the sex can be an awesome opener to get to know other sides, your partner, and yourself.

By which I mean “spice up the sex”, do something new. Lay it all bare, pun intended, and discover new “fun”. Without going down the kinky or fetish path, I mean things like explore role play, explore locations, explore what you always wanted to do.

Obviously, this *does* require communication with your partner first. And after as well. It is not the problem’s solution, but it can act as a trigger to grow closer to each other together and start working at the other, the real issues.

Yet, as said “change” the sex. Sex in itself, more or less, will not solve anything if it is same old, same old. Yet if it brings new in the relationship, it can open new paths.

Paths which will lead to communication because, no matter what, communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. But by all means, talk to your partner and experiment with novel ideas in bed. Or outside of it.

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