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RE: Musing Posts

Life is not like butterfly, rainbows and sunshine. We have a good time and we have a bad time. Sometimes we have to go through really tough situation. If you are depressed, you are the one who has to make the move to over.

Change your thoughts

When people suffer from depression, they are in that position because the way they think about everything or something terrible happened to them, and they cannot forget that. The thing is, what happened yesterday, that means nothing today. Today is a new day and a new opportunity to explore your life. Your past cannot define you. Change your thoughts and take control of your life.

Ask for professional help

Family as well as society can do a lot for people who are suffering from depression. Depressed people are very sad and helpless. Make them realize that she/he is not alone. Her/his family is always there for you. It is no shame to ask for professional help. So don't waste the time and do what is best for them.

Eat healthy

Eating healthy is very important because it directly impacts on your life. What you eat, you get the result like that. Make sure depressed people eat healthy food and vegetable. It is better to avoid foods high in sugar and processed foods. Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.


Exercise is as important as breathing. To stay healthy and fit in physically and mentally, there is no alternative of doing exercise. When you do exercise,  it releases some natural anti-depressing chemicals into your brain that gets you active. So get up early in the morning and go out for a run or walk. Fresh air in the morning will refresh your body and mind. You can do exercise or yoga at home. You can go to the gym or yoga class.

Self love

Do you love yourself?

Of course you do. Make depressed people realize that there is always hope as long as we can breathe. If you love yourself, you cannot do something that is bad for you. Take good care of yourself. Do what you love. Hang out with friends and have some fun. Enjoy your life.

You can follow what mentioned above to overcome depression.

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