
This question has probably created my philosophers through the ages that those deep thinkers would care to admit  

On a more practical note:

Handling rejection is part of life, and finding the means and many ways todo so is necessity. Meaning we all need to eventually learn to deal rejection, or it will surely stunt our personal development.

When it comes to love, learn that it's ok to lick your wounds, and then improve upon yourself, believe it or not, you can win greater affection from others as we grow in our attractiveness (note I didn't say looks alone).

When it comes to career and business, handling rejection is learning to have grit. Like the old saying goes 'When the going gets tough, the tough gets going'. Learn to be tough, if you must, then go learn sales (learn probabilities like for every 7 no your likelihood of getting 1 yes increase exponentially), learning to sell is one of the fastest way to learn how to brush off rejection like water off a duck's back. 

When it comes to social and personal side of life, follow this old adage, 'Those who mind, don't really matter, and those who really matter, they don't mind'

This is very general open ended question with no specifics, so I'm going to add that great motivation for dealing with rejection are plenty. No matter your unique circumstances, when look for them answers and you will surely find it. Peace and success be with you

Highest Regards,


In life there are times that we could get rejection and i believe that every human on earth need to understand how to accept rejection and ensure that they do not allow the rejection to weigh them down,rejection is part of the challenges we will face in life when we are trying to become successful,i handle rejection easily because i already have a mindset that being rejected does not make me a failure and so that is why i do not feel so sad whenever i am rejected because i believe because i am rejected today do not mean that i will be rejected in the future,there are many great men and women that were once rejected too..

The first way through which one can handle/ get over rejection is acepting the fact that one was rejected. A person rejected should also try to find out the reason why he was rejected if he is the reason or cause then such a one should look for possible solutions to avoid the rejection from happening again.

A rejected person should simply affect his fate and move on. A rejected person should avoid getting depressed

Understand the Rejection

Try to understand what is wrong and why you are rejected. Instead of losing your enthusiasm and confidence, it is better to focus on the reasons for your refusal. When you talk to investors, you try to attract their trust by spending some time getting funds. The reason for refusal may not be in you and your business, it could be that investors just look for something different. This is why you need ...

Ask questions and analyze the answers

As an entrepreneur you are likely to have mastered your communication skills and network, so you may feel comfortable asking questions and seeking feedback. In an open conversation, ask why you were rejected and pay attention to the criticism you will get. You will be surprised by the reason. Sometimes they don't have much to do with the whole idea, implementation or other aspects of your business. Collect all information and analysis carefully.

Take notes

Write down all the conclusions you have reached. List what you have learned from this rejection and make another list by avoiding the same mistakes. Make changes in your approach, but don't blame your company's main ideas and vision.

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