
Hey, @rok-sivante.

I'm afraid I don't know the answer, which is why I'm answering through a comment rather than on Musing. I'm working off El Capitan still, and have never tried to roll back a later to earlier version of OSX.

I am wondering, though, why you're wanting to do that? My guess would be High Sierra is acting up somehow, or you prefer Mojave for some reason. I'm interested in the event I find myself needing to do the same thing. I've been considering upgrading again, but I'm working on a mid-2012 Macbook Pro that I can't really afford to replace just yet so I don't want to mess things up. :)

Running Ableton Live 9, which is not compatible with Mojave. Keep having crashes, and customer support won't even respond to requests with anything other than a "not compatible with Mojave, we recommend rolling back to High Sierra" response.

Was making due, but having so many crashes, something needed to be done.

Ended up just upgrading to Live 10, because rolling back seemed such a HUGE headache. 10 still isn't "fully" compatible yet, though is apparently supposed to function fully - and haven't had a crash in a couple hours since using it, so that might have all just been the universe's way to get my ass to upgrade already... ha ha!


I came to Musing because I heard they had received a large delegation from Steemit, and they were using that delegation through actual manual curation to upvote users.

I don't think it should be all about the upvote, but if the dApp is actually curating, meaning it's reading what's being posted, deciding what should be awarded and then how much, that's about as good as it gets. That sets up a quality factor, too, still subjective, but at least it exists.

While being here, I rediscovered how much I enjoy answering questions. I have the most fun when I'm replying to what others have commented, or asked about from a blog post, and the feeling of fun and that I'm accomplishing something has carried over big time here.

So, for the time Musing had the delegation, I was able, for the most part, to enjoy what I was doing, and get rewarded for it. That hasn't happened that much throughout my working adult life. I've worked, I've been paid, and I've enjoyed some of it, but not nearly to the extent that I have here.

Well, the delegation is gone, Musing hasn't started to upvote again, and who knows what they're planning to do next. So far, no one seems to be providing that information.

Yet, guess what? I'm still here, and I'm still enjoying answering questions. I still need to build my stake, so we'll see how much time I continue to spend here, but I do plan to continue to use the platform as long as its available.

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