
Fair enough. I am one of those users you refer to who posts my Actifit post everyay. But I would also prefer to just post it to their website and have an option of posting it to my bog - maybe I would once a week or so.

I have been using steemhunt and find the posts pretty cool.

In saying this if the dapps didn't post to Steemit the my blog would look pretty empty. Most my time is now no musing, actifit amd steemhunt

Keep up the great answers on here mate!

You know, your words are said by many people, but it has no ground. The truth is, the writer of the Torah, what is the Jewish bible, is Moses and he was the only person who got inspired by god to save the Jews. But his story is different from the Old Testament.

So we should ask, who wrote down the Old Testament? People can say, men where inspired by god and they kept those books in safe places. But if you can't say a name of those men, or show archaeological evidence about these statements, then you can't sell that to anyone that the writers are inspired by god. Because there is no evidence to back up that story.

That saying, how can someone proof that he got inspired by god? Moses can say that he split open the sea, or that he freed the people of Israel. But how can those writers proof that they got inspired by god?

That is just not possible, no matter what people say. Imagine someone comes to you that he is inspired by god to write down a story about god. How do you know he got inspired by god? How can we verify that? Or how did people verify that?

Or do you want me to believe what you say without evidence?

My point is, before we should consider believing in the Sin of men, is it important to understand that the OT has no source. Like the four gospels has a source, they are those older gospels of John. They have a source, because the name below those gospels is called John or Mark. But the names in the OT are the same names as in the Jewish Torah. That means the OT is the story of the Jews.

That is the point here.

And those writers from the Jewish Torah was Moses., that makes the story that the writers of the OT are someone else not correct. Because those writers was also Moses and the only thing what is different in those stories are the beginning, with the sin of men and about the messiah.

Shouldn't that raise some questions???

Thank you for your comment, and because you answered in different paragraphs, will i quote the questions and answer back in my words. So lets start about the first you mention about research, and i see some questions are rhetorical but il answer them anyway.

>If the book is the Bible, who exactly do I research? Moses? Isaiah? Or perhaps Jesus Christ, or his apostles? If so, whose word about them am I supposed to take then?

Yes into the words of Moses, and compare them with the source. And then do research into the gospels, and then do research into the circumstances of that time zone, then look at whom where the military dominate group of that timezone. And the words you should supposed to take is a general view of the truth, what will be created by the facts and evidence!

>What if I believe that those men were directed by the Lord to write their books, meaning, God is the author? How do I research the Lord outside of the Bible and into what texts do I go?

But that's what they want you to do, to believe that there is no explanation for it. And there for you have to assume that those men where directed by the lord, while the truth is, that you can find the source for every book, by looking at different subjects, then to the name of the author or the assumption that it was giving by the lord.

Like the source of the OT is the Jewish Torah, and the writers was King David who ordered to write down the words of Moses. That means King David was behind the Torah. With the gospels is different, because they have different authors, and there you need to look at different points to figure out what happen. Like asking, who decided which books are part of the NT? And who give him the right to decide which books must in the NT? That saying, if you really want to know the truth, then these questions should be asked! And then it might sounds scientific or intelligent behavior, but keep in mind that "the lord" gave us brains to think, then why not use them to think what others tells us to believe?

>IS MY RELIGION TRUE? Does it teach all that I need to know?

That is the main reason why i think research is needed, i mean what if you think you know the truth, while you might only know 10% of the truth. Did you ever heard of Plato's cave? Here check this out.

>The only way I know how that happens is through the constant influence of the Holy Ghost. That doesn't come through research only. There's quite a bit more to it than that.

The truth is, you really don't know if what you think comes from the holy ghost or by your own mind, you assume to know the truth. Like there is a saying, saying that someone have 30 years experience don't mean anything, because he could also have done it 30 years in the wrong way. That saying, if the origin of the book is not legit, then how big will be the chance that the concept of that book is not legit to? There for its important to do research or else might the holy ghost story a wrong explain interpretation.

>THE MORE YOU KNOW......the better.

What you general say is, that you don't know the truth and that it all comes back to believe. Now what if i told you that's what i think is the problem i a nutshell. Because the lack of knowledge giving to the masses is not enough to open their eyes, there for its difficult to find the truth. Like if nobody explains you how to find something, then it might take years for your to bump into it, or to understand what you bump into, or to figure out what to do with it. It would have been more simple when someone explains what something is, how to recognize it and how to find it. That can still take years, but at least you know what to search for.

What i noticed is that the bible is asking to believe blindly, there for they say hail the sick, the poor and the blind, because they will enter the kingdom of heaven first. That saying, it's latterly written that the bible wants people to believe blindly, while your own common sense still asks from you to ask questions. And that comes from who you are within you, what is our right to have as human being. That saying the creator created us with brains to ask questions, and someone has written to believe blindly without asking questions. Don't you think that is odd?

>That's because the way to get to God is not the way of the world, and every other religious cliche´ you've probably heard of. Some of them actually are true.

The question we should ask is, how the world is today, is that because of the way of the creator or is that the way of humans? And if so, which group of humans benefit of this system? And where in the pyramid of that system is that group? I know these answers and i know that the group of the believers is the group, who are the key stone of the pyramid, this group holds everything together. And the only way to keep that group there is to keep the ignorant of the truth, or else everything will fall apart.

Now don't get me wrong but im asking these questions because here on Musing we have a platform to ask questions, and we don't need to be agree on each other, but im convinced that we all should talk about everything with each other, even if we don't agree. It's just one way to use our intelligence don't you think?


Well i don't agree with that every human being has faith in a religious belief that he adheres to, because many starts to question the religion what they adhere to, and then they use logic for that.

So it would be better to say, that some humans has the faith in a religious belief that he/she adheres to. So Let's agree that we disagree about this point shall we?

And talking about religion could be considered as a art on his own, because many times people feel offended by others, who are skeptical about their beliefs. What leads to a debate with personal attacks, while the truth is, that it's common sense that people from all around the world belief or follow different concepts, and the only thing what can make sure that people talk with each other, if they can agree to disagree.

The way i see religions is like this. All roads lead to Rome, which means. Rome is death, the end of our life, and a religion is one of those roads leading to death. What means it doesn't really matter how people live or which road he takes, because all roads lead to Rome or to Death. Even if someone does't follow a religion, then still his path will lead him to death. And nobody really knows what happen after death, because there are no facts or evidence. The only fact we know is, that our life will stop when we die. So we could only really share the information of the roads we take, or to say it different, that we can talk with each other about the religions we follow, and how they effect our way of life. That could be shared easily with each other, when we respect each other freedom to choose what path he/she wants to take towards death!

And i watch your video, and i must say that i know the Koran, ive read the Koran and i talked with many Muslims about the Islam. But the arguments what the speaker made in the video, could also be said by people who follow the Veda's. Did you know that the Veda's are 3000 year's older than the Koran? Or what about the Sumerian civilization, what created the first society, what could be seen as the first modern society, way dates back far before the Egyptians. There knowledge and information was giving further to other generations and came back in ancient Babylonia, what was also the city where Abraham left towards Israel. That saying every information what sits in the Koran, was already spread around in the world on different ways.

Now that doesn't mean i say it's wrong to believe in the Koran, no i only say, that the arguments in the video could not be used to convince someone into believing, but it can convince people who are satisfied to see that as the truth. What i think is better, then Muslims should teach others about the teachings of the Islam, instead of talking about the wonders! Because then others would understand what the Islam really is, and would never think that some terrorist are Muslims, because a true Muslim is forbidden to kill and must live with other believers or non believers in peace. Because the end judgment comes from "Allah" and it's forbidden to judge someone else.

That saying many people have no clue about the teachings of the Koran and i think Muslims or believers should explain the teachings, and if they that without talking about the dogma's, then people would understand more about the religion and would not feel forced to accept what others convinced them to believe. Just saying!

And i almost forgot, thank you for your comment!!

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